Knowhow-Now Article

Ever experienced a foiled appointment setting campaign, particularly those that used telemarketing as a medium? While some people will point out that telemarketing is to blame for it, it would be more productive to know what went wrong in your team’s attempt to generate sales leads. Besides, you can’t really blame the profession itself. There are some things that telemarketing does best, and that includes generating B2B leads from other companies. That is a reality that companies in Australia are beginning to understand when it comes to failed campaigns.

Below are ten common mistakes committed:

1.Talking too fast – frankly speaking, appointment setting services is all about getting the message across to prospects. If you talk to fast, you are not getting through. Try matching your speed with the speed of the person you are talking to.

2.Wrong tone of voice – try putting a smile on your face before making a call. Your mood can be heard through your voice. Be friendly and conversational, it works.

3.Calling the wrong person – simply put, your aim is to reach the decision maker. If you fail at the first try, then try again, using other channels. Do not talk with the wrong person.

4.Calling for the wrong reason – remember, you are offering a service to prospects. You have to make sure that in every call you make, you are clear in what you can give them.

5.Information overload – one good way to drive away business prospects is in droning on and on about your business. Simply go straight to the point, try to get their interest, make an appointment, then go.

6.Turning off your prospects – you only have an average of forty-five seconds to get their attention. Past that, and they either hang up on you, or sleep through your call.

7.Failure to probe – asking questions about the business of the prospects gives you a better idea on what you can offer them as a solution. Failure to ask the right questions will not only end up with you offering the wrong service, you might end up alienating them.

8.Think you understand the prospect – remember, appointment setting is all about getting a face-to-face meeting with them. You cannot learn all there is about the prospect and their company just by one initial phone call that you made.

9.The prospects perfectly understand you – similar to number eight, the point of you making the call is so that you can meet them at a better time, which means that you have to make them remember you.

10.Did not make the right schedule – how many times have you experienced setting up a meeting, only to find out that the prospect is actually unavailable on that day, not only is that day wasted, it is a wasted opportunity that can be used for other things. You should take note of that.

There is an added advice: make sure that the prospect is available to talk with you in that call. Many agents miss that. You need to take note of the mood, the tone, as well as the things that the prospects might be doing in the background.

Overall, as long as you avoid these mistakes, then you will be all right.

Maegan Anderson works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses in AU increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through telemarketing. To know more about this visit:

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