Knowhow-Now Article

The First Step To Investing Help Your Money Work For You

There is no question that more people are concerned about their finances than ever before. Perhaps they are in that, and are struggling. Or, maybe they are a part of this segment of the population that is getting older; the baby boomers. Either way, they know the importance of having enough money on hand to have a more sound financial future. What they need to know is the first step to investing.

Investing your money is a smart way to make your money work for you. What you may not know is that you don't need a lot of money to start investing. You don't need thousands and thousands of dollars to get your foot in the door. In fact, even a small amount of money say $1000 or less is enough to get started with. What's important is that you actually get started.

Tip: If you want to minimize the amount that you spend, in a spreadsheet, track every single penny spent. This will allow you to see where you are wasting money and where your necessities are.

The first step to investing is to determine where you are financially and where you want to be. The best way to do this is to write everything down on paper; that way you have it in front of you in black-and-white. This makes it more factual and there is no second guessing as to where you stand.

You have a few main options when it comes to investing:

Tip: Set objectives for your money management. Rather than setting up one tremendous goal, such as "retire comfortably", map out the steps you will need to take to get there.

1. Do it yourself online. There are a lot of places that will allow you to invest online, with very little money. You will be able to choose exactly what you want to invest in, but the downside is that you will have to manage your portfolio by yourself. This is fine if you have some financial know-how, and understand that investing is for the long-term. You should also check to see what tools they have available to help you with your investments.

2. Do it yourself off-line. This often scares a lot of people, but it's really not as difficult as it is made out to be. Something as simple as a 401(k) or a Roth IRA are in reality investments. You should still take some time to learn about the basics of investing, and educate yourself on the various options available to you.

Tip: Have an emergency bank account. This account should be separate from your checking and savings accounts and used only for real emergencies.

3. Hire a professional. This is the traditional way of investing. However, as part of the first step to investing with a professional, you need to check out their qualifications. Don't just assume that because they are willing to handle your investments that they are qualified to do so. Assuming they checked out, your main decision is whether to pay them up front for their services, as a percentage of what they make for you, or whenever you withdraw your money. A professional can help guide you based on their knowledge.

Regardless of which method of investing you choose, it's important to get your financial affairs in order; this includes making smart investments. If you think you can handle yourself, then by all means do so; however, if you would be more comfortable using the services of a professional, then that's the best way to go.

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