Knowhow-Now Article


A healthy body is a way to have a healthy mind, and exercise is a part of achieving an active mind and body. For this, rehabilitation to combat chronic diseases, exercise and work out regimes are followed. For lung disease, as severe as, COPD where breathing shortness because of exercises is a myth, it is one of the most important activities to combat it. Doing regular exercises in fact aids in relieving short breathlessness. Your muscles and also heart is improved because of doing regular exercises.


Importance of exercises is felt by all COPD patients because it helps in increasing:

  1. Strength and endurance of your muscle

  2. Level of energy

  3. Endurance of heart-lung or cardiopulmonary

  4. Immunity level to combat infections

  5. Relaxation

  6. Sound sleep

  7. Density of your bone


Apart from increasing the above, exercises also helps in decreasing the following:

  1. Factors causing the risk of heart diseases

  2. Breath shortness

  3. Blood pressure

  4. Medicine’s side effects

  5. Level of blood sugar

  6. Depression

Prior to starting off with your exercising routine, consult your doctor and take his or her advice on the right method for exercising. He or she would assist you in the development of a proper exercising program, as per your bodily requirements and stamina. You might also have to undergo a program related to pulmonary rehabilitation. This program aids in the restoration of your health and also increases your life quality, with the elements of nutrition, exercises and education.

The program is inclusive of stretching for the increase of flexibility, endurance and strength of your muscles and also for the sustenance of an active life. Prior to doing exercises, stretching is done as a warm up exercise for your muscles. This is important because then you would be able to develop the required strength to handle all regular tasks and activities.


Exercise programs are very much essential for all COPD patients and the intensity in it is the most vital of all. Training comprising high intensity is good for the functioning of your peripheral muscles and also adaptation to ventilation. You can try cycling and walking, as a part of your regular exercises.


In my opinion, setting a goal prior to your exercising regime is a must and then you should work towards achieving that set goal. It is important that you write them and keep them in your mind. This way you would be able to win and achieve accomplishment.


Since, you are diagnosed with COPD, oxygen is vital and so is its need while you are exercising. So, have a discussion regarding oxygen therapy prior to doing exercises. Avoid exercising if you feel shortness of breath, discomfort, pressure, burning, and heaviness felt in your chest. Pain experienced in your neck, jaw, arms, back or shoulders unusually. But if you feel that your heart is racing, experiencing palpitation, feeling dizzy, tired or having joint pains then stop doing exercises. Always take the advice of your physician and doctor before you start of with your exercising regime, so that you can yield the greatest benefits out of it.

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