Knowhow-Now Article

The Unique Customized Fat Loss Approach

This generation is made aware what a person saddled with excessive weight can expect to happen through commercialism. It is true that such flagrant advertising of weight loss solutions has stirred people into action, which by the way is exactly the marketing objective of the promotional activities. However, the consumers were equally saddled by overwhelming choices. Each is made to be presented in a unique way; the Customized Fat Loss approach is centered on how a weight loss program must be tailored per individual need.

Understanding the Customized Fat Loss Approach

Tip: If you plan out your meals ahead of time, it will be much easier to stick to a healthy diet. Plan out your daily schedule and think of the moments you will have time for your snacks and meals.

The consumers think, they have heard it all. How else can a weight loss solution product be positioned in the flooded market? While the rest of the products attempt to offer one product for all weight problems, the Customized Fat Loss approach is centered on how each true body type needs to be treated differently. This is the reason why generic weight loss solutions are failing. No single silver bullet can address fat loss for all body types.

The Customized Fat Loss revolves around creating a specific meal plan for each person considering one’s body type and nutritional needs. A fitness model named Kyle Leon who is credited for the so-called “Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer” founded this. This concept is anchored on the belief that each person has a unique metabolic and nutritional need, which must be addressed to generate the desired weight loss results.

The Six Somatotypes

The Customized Fat Loss program is online software that can be accessed by logging in to the website. By providing the different information required, the software can generate meal plans that is tailored for the need of the person. Among the information required is the body type of the weightwatcher. There are several body types (somatotypes); there are three basic types and those types that fall in between:

Tip: When dieting, you should expect to lose no more than 2 pounds every week. If you need to lose a very large amount of weight, you will lose more at first, but in general, a slower, steady loss is better for your body, and easier to keep off as well.

• Ectomorph – Ectomorphs are the typical slim or skinny person that is narrow from top to bottom. Their body weight may be regarded as just right for them. They are thought to have fast metabolism, which is why they do not easily gain weight. They have difficulty gaining fats or muscles.

• Mesomorph – Mesomorph are the well-endowed individuals for their perfect figure in terms of an even body mass. Their body built is typical among men and they are what can easily pass as the body of an athlete. They have muscular shoulders, arms, and legs, while the hips are slim. They gain fats faster compared to ectomorphs.

Tip: Trying to consume the right amount of vegetables and fruits can be overwhelming at times. You should keep selections of them frozen in order to provide yourself many options.

• Endomorphs – Endomorphs are those who gain fats easily and have the tendency to get fat and have soft body. They have slow metabolism, which is why they can gain weight fast. Their bodies are soft because of too much fat deposit. Even if they lose weight, they easily bounce back to becoming fats unless their diet is sustained.

• Meso-Ectomorph – This body type is a combination of mesomorph and ectomorph traits with mesomorph traits being more dominant than the ectomorph traits.

• Meso-Endomorph – This type combines the traits of the mesomorph and endomorph types with the traits of mesomorph being more pronounced.

• Ecto-Mesomorph – This type exhibits the traits of both ectomorph and mesomorph traits, but with the ectomorph traits being more prominent.

The Customized Fat Loss approach is unique in the sense that it veers away from generic weight loss solutions that are now flooding the market. It is free and can be accessed as a web-based application. It only takes little personal information and the knowledge of your body type for the software to generate meal plans that can send your body to losing weight. Now, that is unique indeed.

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