Knowhow-Now Article

Do you have interest about Japanese technologies? If your answer is somewhat ‘yes’, then here is a technology that is surely going to impress you. QR codes. QR codes in Japan are very common and popular among Japanese consumers. However, in West, they are yet catch the top spot. The latest news on QR codes say that we are yet to watch the best of QR codes.

What a QR code does?

A QR code encrypts messages within it. Whenever someone scans the code from his mobile, the code decrypts its hidden information through appropriate mobile phone app. In short this square shaped 2D codes link real life and internet with the mobile phones. Marketers and technologists see the role play of QR codes as an opportunity for vast innovation in business. Many international brands use QR codes on their labels. The aim can be various, like: 1) keeping nutritional info of a food product within the QR code, 2) hiding the company’s official website within the QR code, 3) hiding any special offer / discount within the QR code, etc.

Is QR code useful for an individual?

Surely it is. Not only Japanese youths but people from all over the world are using QR codes for keeping their basic identification. You can see QR codes printed on T’ shirts of young men. It has become a fashion to print QR codes on T’ shirts, bags, coffee mugs! This is because one does not need any money to print QR codes. Thanks to the free QR code generators that are instantly giving you free QR codes.

What a QR code can encrypt?

A QR code blog gives detailed information about what can be securely kept within the QR code. In short, QR code lets you to encrypt any small text, graphics, URL etc. To know more about this, you can visit a blog on QR code that I found useful.

Considering the huge opportunities that QR code brings with it, it is time to get updated with the latest tech news on QR codes. May be 10 years later from now, if somebody asks, ‘what is a qr code’ , he may be called an alien!

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