Knowhow-Now Article

Time Proven Strategies Can Bring Steady Free Website Traffic

It is a fact that the biggest challenge of most Internet marketers is generating website traffic. Generating the traffic is an end-all and be-all of every effort directed in improving the website; without it, there are no sales and there is no business. Understandably, it is not just the traffic that is important; the conversion or changing the website visitors into subscribers and buying clients is equally critical. Most website owners find the entire business of increasing traffic extremely time consuming, expensive and difficult. If you want free website traffic then it is time to check out web traffic tools and strategies that are free and that work.

The Internet abounds with the word “free” because that is also a strategy to get those links to their websites. Generating traffic website for free is extremely tempting. It is important to determine, however, if the link exchanges and “overnight backlinks” that look promising will not put your website in jeopardy. SEO and SEM strategies are of course the time-tested ways to boost traffic to gain online visibility and presence. Yet, if “free website traffic: is what you want, why not try some proven methods.

Tip: If you want SEO to help increase the traffic to your website, you need to code it appropriately. If your code is messy, search engines may not be able to index it.

1.Article marketing is regarded as among the most classic way of increasing traffic to a website. This is done by generating informative and creative articles that are submitted to article submission sites. This renders credibility to websites and drives more visitors to the website. These days, submission can be made almost instantaneous and easy with all the tools and links necessary to have the articles marketed. There are sites that are free but there are also those that charge reasonable rates with really innovative platforms.

2.Social Media Networks offer remarkable linking opportunities which cannot be ignored. Statistics show that even busy people spend a reasonable amount of time using these social networks and are thus undeniably effective platforms for massive, even viral, spread of marketing videos and ads. The collaboration of over a hundred million people at any one time make links on LinkedIn, tweets on Twitter and comments on Facebook make the links possible. Search engines like Google sees these links and will thus likely send traffic to your website.

Tip: If you want to be higher up on search engine results, help the web spiders out. Spiders are constantly crawling through your content and pulling your site up based on things like keywords, but they have to know how to navigate your site.

3.Meta Tags are HTML codes that can be easily added or inserted into the header on a web page after the title tag. These help the search engines that serve as user agents to link the users and the websites. These help categorize your website so that it can be included among the top results in the search. In simple terms, these tags provide directions to web browsers and search engine spiders to the information they are looking for.

4.Blogging is like a personal online journal that renders the website interesting relevant and fresh. These are what Google and other search engines want because these invite comments, interactions and links. Bloggers hook up with one another and those who are in the same niche can help out each other by linking and joining discussions and forums. Never forget to leave behind links to your website. Using conduit community toolbars can further boost web traffic because toolbar subscribers are easily encouraged to checkout your blogs when they are alerted by your “teasers”.

Tip: When creating anchor text for your website, simply using "click here" or other generic terms is not enough. You should avoid vague and generic text links like "click here" because it is not helpful in increasing your search engine ranking.

5.FriendFeed is a site that allows you to share effortlessly and fast. The subscribers that you may get can even help to share and circulate your content even in social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. It has the ability to function like a social network and can work to get subscribers to your website feeds in less time. Getting into FriendFeed is simple and like a social network, it is conversational.

6.TubeMogul is a free tool that helps websites increase their traffic by circulating their video blogs to many sites at one time. This feeds on the inherent attitude of people wheo want to learn by watching self-help videos rather than read. It will help, therefore, if your content is enhanced by videos which can level the playing field between small and big players in the competitive industries.

These free tactics are time-proven. These may not deliver success overnight or as fast as you want them to but with patience, the well-sought free website traffic will come.

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