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iPhone game development has turned into a huge industry, and games that find a place in the heart of iPhone users generate millions of dollars in revenue. Developers who understand iPhone game development and who possess the ability to create high-end games for iPhone are in great demand. This article list 5 books that will help you learn how to develop games for the iPhone.   

Android may have succeeded in attracting the largest number of users, but when it comes to apps and games, iPhone is still the king. While RIM and other companies are unable to withstand Android’s blitzkrieg, iPhone app store is thriving. As a result, developers who can develop apps and games for iPhone are in great demand. This article lists 5 of the best books for learning iPhone game development.

iPhone and iPad Game Development For Dummies: Like other books in the ‘For Dummies’ series, this is a fun book and it’s a great way to learn game development. Not only does this book have comprehensive and easy-to-understand theory on iPhone game development, it also has a number of interactive exercises and examples that make it very easy for you to develop your first iPhone game. The book goes one step ahead and offers tips on how to enter the game market and how to market your game.

iPhone Game development—Developing 2D and 3D Games in Objective-C: This is another book that caters to the demand of the compete beginner. You will get an introduction to Objective-C and Xcode tools first, and then you will enter the deep waters of iPhone game development. You will learn how to integrate GPS, build menus and controls, and add music and audio effects. Further on, the book will explore the use and deployment of high-end graphics and elaborate on concepts of complex gaming physics.

Beginning iPhone Games Development: If you are a complete amateur, this book might feel a little too advanced, but developers who are comfortable with xcode tools and APIs will find it very helpful. It is the gaming adjunct to “Beginning iPhone 3 Development”, and it provides a practical and step-by-step approach to developing games for iPhone. It focuses on detailed coding and demonstrates how you can develop complex gaming functions. Professional iPhone developers who want to enter the field of game development will find all the information they need in this book.

Learning iOS Game Programming—A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First iPhone Game: This is another book for complete beginners. You do need to have a basic understanding of coding and development to use this book, but it does not presuppose any knowledge of gaming development. The book contains a number of interactive exercises that help you learn how to plan game design, address component concerns, and devise difficulty levels. The tutorial will show you how you can use different features of iPhone game development to create high-end games.

iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide: The Nerd Ranch Guides are known for their books that are mostly aimed at the accomplished programmer. This book is the most comprehensive book dealing with game (or any other app) development for Apple, and perusal of this tome will enable you to make effective use of UIkit, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Accelerometer and several other tools that form the base of iPhone game development. The book includes a number of useful appendices, including a useful Xcode quick reference card listing the most important Xcode 4 shortcuts.

About the Author: Tri-Force is a web development company renowned for its offshore iPhone game development and iPhone application development capability. Tri-Force also lets you hire offshore developers to work on your projects. Contact us at [email protected].

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