Knowhow-Now Article

Two Great Workouts To Help You Get Flat Stomach

You’ve heard all the theories when it comes to workouts that can help you to get flat stomach – everyone has their favorite twist to the standard workouts. You may already know about the need to build lean muscle mass, and the increased metabolic rate required by people on such workout programs. Of course, there is also plenty of advice floating around with respect to diet - which foods to eat and which to avoid, how much to eat and which foods are expected to help you reduce excess fat and so on.
Of all these theories, nothing is truer than the one advocating weighted abdominal exercises – such exercises involving lifting of weights while performing abs exercises are much more effective than traditional abs exercises such as crunches. So, which abs exercises should you do, and what should your workout look like?

Well – here are the answers to these questions. Killer abs exercises that are guaranteed to help users get flat stomach are:

Tip: To boost your overall health, try adding more fiber to your diet. Fiber provides a number of health benefits including reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

* Squats
* Deadifts
* Mountain climbers (bodyweight only)
* Burpee (bodyweight only)

The first two exercises need weights and require that your core is stable so that these lifting exercises involving multiple joints can be performed. There are workout routines involving only deadlifts and squats that can be used to give your body a thorough makeover; starting with building muscle, develop six-pack abs and in short, transform your body completely. You may have done mountain climbing exercises in the gym period at school and may already be familiar with them. The burpee may not be as familiar – but it is one of the best bodyweight abs exercises to get flat stomach.

Tip: Adults should try to eliminate soda and other sugary drinks from their daily routine. They pack on a ton of calories, and will add weight to your body very quickly.

Abs Workouts

The ideal abs workout to get a flat stomach should be a combination of cardio routines and exercises that build lean muscle mass and work out your abs at the same time too. The workouts should start with warm up sets. The next part can be one set of 20-30 reps of either barbell squats or deadlifts. After a minute’s rest, you need to do a circuit consisting of 25 reps bodyweight squats, mountain climbers 15 per leg and 8 reps of burpee.

Tip: If you want to leave some of your food behind to avoid eating too much, you're giving yourself too much food. Only serve yourself what you should be eating, and measure it when serving to ensure you're really taking as little as you think you are.

You could alternate between workouts with the barbell squats and deadlifts, working out thrice a week and increase the exercises in the circuit as your strength increases. Of course, you may need to modify the number of reps that you do in order to not overdo it keeping in mind your current condition.

This workout should help you to get a flat stomach very quickly.

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