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Immigration means the movement of a foreign individual into a country to live on a permanent basis. Each individual who wish to enter a country must seek permission to enter the country and abide by the law. The immigration law refers to the government policies which handles the immigration to the United States.


All the US immigration laws are handled by the United States Citizenship and Immigration services , commonly called as USCIS is a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The USCIS performs many administrative services carried out by the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS). If an individual seeks to enter United States on a temporary basis or to stay permanently , he/she is required to have a valid passport and in most cases requires a visa by the law. The laws determine what a person must do in order to enter United states and stay for the authorized period of time.


The individual who seeks to enter United States may enter with either immigrant or non – immigrant visa. An Immigrant visa is used by people who wish to travel to live permanently in US . Non- immigrant visas are issued to people who wish to travel to United States on a temporary basis for business or pleasure. The USCIS is in charge to make sure the law is being followed by all immigrants and non – immigrants. This includes tracking of the illegal people in United States and ensures that the legal people follow the rules for becoming a permanent resident or a citizen of the United States.


Understanding immigration and its benefits The law is regulated with the rights that the law will be followed by each individual. An immigration ins law judge may control or oversee the requests to become a US Citizen. To explain this clearly if a person in a refugee status wishes to obtain permanent residency based on the individual facing prosecution by race or nationality, and is permitted to obtain permanent resident status by the law, the immigration law judge may preside over the case to determine whether the individual truly deserves the amnesty. If a person violates the immigration laws, penalties are decided per the rules either the person to be deported for entering United States illegally or to be imprisoned if attempting to obtain citizenship or permanent resident through improper means.


Being an immigrant an individual is benefited in many ways. The individual may increase in cultural diversity, provide economic gains , increase in the standard of living in the part of immigrants, adopt a younger worker force , skilled workers in much needed sectors, obtain social security and various other benefits. This also includes the national health law program where it provides health care or medicaid to all the employees , workers , people with disabilities and elderly people of the United States .


Immigration means more workers , more consumers and a larger economy for United States. This leads to lower process and much more increase in the purchasing power. Even though immigration does have disadvantages such as poverty, education costs, increase in crimes , the positive outcomes of the immigration does outweigh the disadvantages. is a company that provide assistance for any immigration issues. Those who want to process their Green card for children, Immigration INS application easy and fast online. Find this article at US Immigration Laws

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