Knowhow-Now Article

Understanding The Importance Of Working With Your Garden Soil

Many gardeners have trouble producing the results they want from their garden, and immediately focus on the seeds they buy or the amount of water they supply their plants, but one of the most crucial parts of your garden's success is the soil that you plant it in. Even though some gardeners understand the importance of quality soil, they may forget that soil is like the plants themselves, it requires regular maintenance to stay healthy. This article is meant to describe the importance of working with your soil and provide a few tips on the best way to do it.

It is very important to amend your soil because of the fact that plants draw nutrients from the soil to survive. As they draw nutrients from the soil, the soil becomes less and less nutrient rich. You need to replenish the nutrients that have been removed from the soil in order for it to remain a hospitable environment for your plants.

Tip: If you're like many gardeners, autumn means that it's time to get some delicious fall edibles growing in your garden. Why not plant lettuce and kale inside a hollowed-out pumpkin? When you have finished cutting and cleaning the pumpkin, spray it with some liquid that will stave off wilting to keep it from rotting.

Before you begin amending your soil, you should start by assessing what kind of plants you want to grow and what nutrients they need. Once you have this list compiled, you will know what you need to add to the soil to achieve the best results.

Adding the required nutrients can be done relatively quickly once you have determined which nutrients you are going to add. If you want to add nitrogen, visit your local nursery for some nitrogen based fertilizer or chemical additive. Add your purchase to the soil after the growing season has completed, sometime in the fall. Turn the soil to mix the addition thoroughly and then let the soil rest in the winter time.

Tip: If you have a vegetable garden, it is crucial they are kept in a spot with at least six hours of sun each day. Most vegetables need at least that much sun exposure to grow properly.

Before you begin your new growing season, test your soil's pH level. Sometimes when you add a chemical fertilizer to the mix, the soil can become too alkaline or acidic to foster good plant growth. Test the pH level of your soil and see if you need to add something to bring it back to a more neutral pH level before planting for the spring.

If you have sandy soil, you should tailor your garden for plants that do well in those conditions. It is very difficult to grow things in sandy soil, you may be better off using raised garden beds and filling those beds with good soil or excavating and refilling with good soil.

Tip: Be diligent in your efforts to banishing weeds! Weeds can destroy a once promising garden and take away all its potential. To help you do this, you may want to consider using white vinegar.

If you have clay soil you may also want to consider raised garden beds. Clay soil makes drainage difficult and slow and this lingering water may kill some plants. You could try excavating 18 inches down and adding a layer of large rocks, about the size of apples, to create a layer of space and loose soil for water to drain away from your garden.

Hopefully you now understand the importance of soil amending and have some useful hints on how to accomplish it in your garden. Remember that plants are only as healthy as the soil they are planted in. Good luck with your garden.

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