Knowhow-Now Article

Using A Safe Home Teeth Whitening System Kit

If you want to get your teeth whiter, even just one or two shades, there are some fantastic options that you have available to you. If you think that the most convenient method for you would be to whiten your teeth at home, this is a great choice, and also helps you avoid having to make appointments with your dentist which you may not have time for.

If your teeth are especially dingy, you may not be so willing to go in and have someone work on your teeth either, because you may be embarrassed.

Tip: One thing to keep in mind when whitening teeth is that crowns will not whiten like teeth do. Whitening your teeth might make their color look uneven if others are able to see your crowns.

Fortunately there are some great ways to whiten your teeth at home, namely with a teeth whitening system. These are safe, and you can get a teeth whitening system kit that comes with everything included that you will need to get your teeth whiter.

What is the best teeth whitening system? Well there are a few you can choose from and it really all depends on your own personal preference and the condition that your teeth are in now.

Crest Whitestrips Premium

One teeth whitening system kit that you may want to try is the Crest Whitestrips Premium. This is one of the more popular options, and an over the counter whitening system. That means that it is much cheaper than most other options, but this whitening system has also proven to be very effective and so you know that you are getting the most value for your money.

Tip: Despite popular belief, lemon and lime juice aren't great ways to whiten your teeth. Actually, the exact opposite is true, and you should steer clear of them all together to keep your teeth healthy.

Of all the similar options available on the market today, this one receives the most praise. As long as you wear the strips at least twice a day for a half hour each time, you will get the results that you are looking for.

GoSmile Advanced Formula B1

Tip: You need to be very careful when eating or drinking after having your teeth whitened. Shortly after whitening, your teeth are quite porous and absorbent and will stain easily.

This is another great option for a teeth whitening system if you are interested in getting your teeth shades whiter. This is an example of a paint-on gel whitening kit, and the gel is squeezed onto the brush and then scrubbed over the teeth, reaching into areas that are difficult to cover with a strip.

It is important that you weigh out all advantages and disadvantages of a teeth whitening system before you decide on one, so that you make sure you are getting one that is going to offer you the best results. Now of course if you want the most extreme results, you are probably going to have to get in to see your dentist.

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