Knowhow-Now Article

Using Natural Remedies To Boost Your Immune System

We all would rather prevent a disease than have to deal with curing a disease. One way to prevent disease is to make sure that you have a strong immune system. A weak immune system increases your risk for disease and infection. If you have frequent colds and flu, experience frequent cold sores or genital herpes and if you often get infections than you probably have a low immunity.

Overuse of antibiotics in order to combat bacterial infections has created another serious problem, that of causing liver, kidney, nervous system and immune system damage. When individuals become ill modern medicine treats illnesses by getting rid of the symptoms instead of treating the cause of the illness. Modern medicine also uses surgery, and radiation to treat illnesses, which have their own problems including risk of infection or death from surgery, and risk of cancer from over-exposure to radiation.

If you want true health it all starts with a strong immune system. Natural remedies can be used to strengthen the immune system, which gives your body a better chance for fending off germs and bacteria. It is the job of the immune system to fight off disease-causing microorganisms and to orchestrate the process of healing. Your immune system is your key to fighting and preventing disease. You are healthier when your immune system is strong.

Some symptoms that you may have a weak or low immune system are slow healing wounds, fatigue, repeated infections, allergic reactions, chronic diarrhea, always getting oral thrush or vaginal yeast infections or other fungal infections and also having multiple colds throughout the year. Another sign of immune system malfunction is dark circles under the eyes.

The immune system is made up of white blood cells, bone marrow, lymphatic vessels, organs, and specialized cells that are found in body tissues and also specialized substances called serum factors that are found in your blood. All of these things come together to form the immune system and to protect your body against disease.

There are many natural herbs, vitamins, supplements and natural home remedies that when taken can help your immune system to stay strong.

Using astragalus boosts your immune system and can even generate anticancer cells in your body. It is a powerful antioxidant that also protects the liver from toxins. If you have dark circles under your eyes you especially need this special plant called astragalus. It is however important to remember to never take this herb if you have a fever.

If you suffer from frequent sore throats, coughs, or the flu take baybarry. Garlic is also very effective against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties.

Echinacea is excellent for boosting the immune system and aids in lymphatic function. Goldenseal also strengthens the immune system. It can also cleanse and detoxify the body. It also has anti-bacteria properties, which also helps to prevent disease.

Many individual make an immune system tonic made from 2 cups of water, 1 tsp each of Echinacea root, chamomile leaves, shizandra berries, and peppermint leaves.

It is important to have chlorella, garlic, pearl barley, giant red kelp, and foods rich in riboflavin and vitamin C in your diet in order to boost your immune system. The most important vitamin for your immune system is vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital to the formation of adrenal hormones and the production of lymphocytes that are used to battle infections. Vitamin C can also do battle against bacteria and viruses. You should always take vitamin C along with bioflavonoids, because they absorb and reinforce the action of vitamin C. Bioflavonoids are the natural pigments in fruits and vegetables. There is over 800 different bioflavonoids most of which are contained in fruit and vegetables that have yellow pigments. Bioflavonoids can stop or slow down the growth of malignant cells, and can help to protect your cells against cancer-causing substances that can attack your heart and blood cells. Bioflavonoids are also natural antibiotics. A diet that is rich in bioflavonoids such as apricots, blackberries, black currants, broccoli, cantaloupes, cherries, grapefruits, grapes, oranges and also lemons can help your body fight against heart disease and many cancer related diseases.

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