Knowhow-Now Article

An Overview on The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale Work Stress Test

Generally, an individual is said to have a healthful, well-balanced job if the job specifications and demands fit his skills level, if he can keep things in control when it comes to his job, and if he has some people to help him through when the need arises. If the demands and pressures of work exceed a person’s abilities, the individual fails to cope effectively, resulting to stress. Certainly, none of us is immune to work stress. But at what point does job stress become a serious problem and how do you know the severity of the condition?

An individual's level of stress can be measured by scientific work stress test methods such as the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, or also known as the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). This work stress test is a list that consists of 43 stressful life events which helps you measure the amount of stress in your life.

In 1967, two psychiatrists named Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe made a study about stress, specifically if it can contribute to illness. Using a checklist of 43 life events, about 5,000 medical patients were surveyed and asked to check those events that were able to experience in the last two recent years. Each event is called Life Change Unit (LCU), wherein each LCU has an equivalent score based on the gravity of stress. For example, the death of a spouse scores 100, while pregnancy scores 40. In this type of work stress test, the higher the score, the more the person is at risk of becoming sick. A score of 150 and below indicates that a person has a low to moderate chance of becoming ill; a score between 150 and 299 indicates that a person has a moderate to high chance of having a sickness; and a score of 300 or more indicates that a person has a very high chance of becoming ill anytime soon.

If you want to know about the severity of your stress and how high your chances are at becoming sick, the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale is a good work stress test to use. While it's interesting to know all these, it’s more important to take action and cope well with the stresses in your life.

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