Knowhow-Now Article

What To Do If You Are Turned Down For A Personal Loan

Obtaining a personal loan can be very important if you have a financial need and you have looked into other resources. It can be very upsetting if you are turned down for the loan. There are several things you can do to prevent that from happening. Since you never know when you may have to apply for a personal loan, always keep your eye on your credit report. It can take a very long time to get any errors corrected, time most of us don’t have when we need a personal loan. Know what your credit rating is. Be realistic about your chances of getting a personal loan based on your credit.

It is important that you fill out the loan application correctly and accurately. Provide all required information including residence verification, income, and employment verification. If you have experienced circumstances beyond your control that may have blemished your credit report, consider attaching a letter. Keep the letter short and to the point. Explain the situation, take responsibility for your credit report, and also document how you have worked hard to make the situation better. This information can help the loan officer and underwriter with the loan decision.

Tip: Payday loan companies use various methods to work around the usury laws that have been put in place to protect consumers. They might charge fees that are very high.

Be prepared to offer collateral if the only way you can get a personal loan is to have it secured. While it is best not to secure personal loans because of the high risk, it may be your only option if you are in a situation where you really need the loan. Collateral can be a vehicle, property, or other asset that is legally yours. If you default on the loan, remember that you will lose that collateral as well.

You may be able to get a personal loan if you have a co-signer. This is someone who signs the loan agreement with you. If you default on the loan, that person is legally responsible for repaying it. Asking someone to co-sign a loan for you is giving them your word that you will not place them in a financially difficult situation. If you have a co-signer to get a personal loan, you should pay that loan before anything else every month. You can seriously damage the relationship you have with a co-signer if you fail to make your personal loan payments.

Tip: Do not just drive to the closest payday loan center if you need to get a loan. While you may drive past them often, there may be better options if you take the time to look.

While it is never a good idea to apply for credit in multiple places, you just might want to approach another lender if one has denied your personal loan application. Each lender has different formulas they use to determine loan approval. If your credit is not good, consider approaching a lender that specializes in personal loans for those with bad credit. It is very important that you verify they are a legitimate lender and not a scam set up to prey on those desperate to obtain a personal loan. While you will likely pay a higher interest rate with this lender, you will at least have the access to the funds you need. Use this opportunity as a way to start improving your credit score by making all your payments on time.

It can be a huge let down if your personal loan application is denied. Do all you can to ensure that your application is approved the first time. Do not lie on your personal loan application. This can create many other issues for you that aren’t good. Be honest as well as describe any issues that you think the lender might see as a red flag. Work hard to maintain good credit so that you won’t be denied future loans because of a poor credit history.

Repayment of a personal loan is very important. You will want to make it a top priority in your budget. Down the road, you will likely need to borrow funds again. Most lenders will help you if they see a history of responsible finances. If your personal loan has collateral or a co-signer attached to it, you have an even greater responsibility to repay the loan on time.

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