Knowhow-Now Article

Small bathroom floor plans present a long list of challenges that need to be overcome before the bathroom can be successfully built. Every homeowner should work with a certified architect or engineer in order to create final building plans that can be submitted to the local zoning board. But as the process of planning a small bathroom remodeling project moves forward, there are some things that need to be accounted for or else the project will not come together as planned.

- Never Assume

Small bathroom floor plans can be deceiving when it comes to planning the installation of fixtures such as the toilet and shower. A homeowner should never assume that a fixture or cabinet will fit in a small bathroom.

It can be easier estimate sizes on larger bathrooms because there is more room for error. But one square foot of space in a small bathroom can make a large difference to the comfort and functionality of the room. Be sure to carefully measure everything before the process of bringing the bathroom elements together begins.

- Start with the Essentials

The final floor plan for a small bathroom may include the need to use space outside the bathroom for linen storage and a clothes hamper. That is why it is important to begin the planning stage of a small bathroom remodeling project with the essentials first. Fixtures such as the toilet, shower and sink should all be put in the blueprint before less essential elements such as a storage cabinet or linen closet.

Areas outside the bathroom can help to spread the functionality of the bathroom out to the rest of the house. For example, a large bathroom vanity can be replaced with a small sink to save on space. The vanity mirror can be put in the bedroom.

- Bright Colors

One of the things that can accentuate the size of a small bathroom is to use dark colors. Bright colors should be used to help offset the lack of space in a small bathroom. This includes the shower, toilet, vanity and cabinets.

Paint the walls and ceiling the same, bright color to help blur the lines that define the space in the bathroom. Bright paint will also help to utilize natural light better and reduce the need for artificial light. This saves money on energy costs and the cost to replace artificial light bulbs.

- Mirrors

Mirrors set up on opposing walls can sometimes give the feeling of space in a small bathroom. As the placement for bathroom mirrors is being determined, be sure to put the mirrors in places that will not reflect natural light and cause problems with glare.

Homes with small bathroom floor plans often look to areas outside the bathroom to help provide design elements. Linen closets and the storage of bathroom supplies can be done in other rooms in the home. When designing a small bathroom, remember to focus on the essentials first and then add other elements as space allows.

Want to remodel your small bathroom? You should start by creating small bathroom floor plans. Browse to find out more.


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