Knowhow-Now Article

Whilst the media constantly harps on about the standard of players that England’s Premier League regularly attracts – and perhaps with good reason – it sometimes seems like the players in England’s lower leagues don’t get the level of attention that they perhaps should.

Despite the fact that, let’s face it, the Rooneys and Nasris of the world will never ply their trade in a division lower than the Premier League, and even big name Championship players like Carlton Cole and Kenny Miller probably wouldn’t ply their trade at a league below the one they’re in just now, divisions like League One still have their fair share of star players.

Indeed, there are a number of players in League One who are heroes not just for fans of their current clubs, but at an international level as well, with many representing their countries regularly. In fact, in recent seasons it has become more and more commonplace for players from clubs in top divisions around the globe to actually leave the team they’re playing for to join a League One club. In particular, many players from Scotland’s top flight have left to ply their trade in League One.

But which players are likely to make the most impact over the course of the season? Well, if the early season scoring charts are any indication to go by, then there are plenty of players already looking to impress. Both Sam Baldock of the Milton Keynes Dons and Bobby Grant of Scunthorpe United have had an excellent start to the season in terms of goalscoring form, and fans of both clubs will be hoping that they can continue to push their teams towards the top of the table. Similarly, Bury’s Ryan Lowe seems to have been in top form in front of the net.

Other players who have been in top form since the season started include Harry Arter of Bournemouth, and Chris Beardsley of Stevenage Borough, both of whom have found themselves on the scoresheets a few times already.

Of course, at this stage of the season, it’s pretty hard to tell which League One players are going to be key to the success of their teams over the next season – after all, the season is only a few games old and some could be struggling to find their legs or a bit of form. Over the coming games however, it should become apparent to fans and pundits alike who the division’s star players are going to be.

Clint Starr writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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