Knowhow-Now Article

Why Use Natural Remedies?

Individuals who seek natural remedies also known as home remedies or natural cures seek them out because they are made from natural ingredients such as herbs, fruits, and vegetables, ingredients that you would find at home. Natural remedies do not use harsh chemicals, are inexpensive, and carry with them no side effects. People enjoy making something useful to use instead of paying hard earned cash for commercial medicines that may have unpleasant side effects.

Humans of every race have used natural remedies for thousands of years before chemical or man invented synthetic drugs and cleaning chemicals. Most common ailments can be treated with ingredients found right in your kitchen. In order to make natural remedies from your home all you need is the knowledge of what to use, the proper ingredients and someone to show or tell you how to prepare the natural remedies.

Herbs, spices and fresh foods can handle most anything from pain to infection. Antibiotics are too commonly used today for situations that can be cured without the use of expensive antibiotics. These antibiotics typically kill more than the offending bacteria they can also kill friendly flora and fauna causing the body to take longer to recover than otherwise necessary if antibiotics had not been used. Natural remedies can be used to treat minor infections as well as to boost immune systems, prevent hair loss, treat acne, dandruff, and also treat aches, pains, cuts and burns.

Did you know that pharmaceuticals are a multi-billion dollar business and that politicians even your doctor receives financial rewards for pushing the use of drugs? Do you think drug companies want you to know that you have a simple, yet effective cure for your ailments right in your kitchen?

Medical researchers have actually verified that there are thousands of healing nutrients in the foods we eat everyday. Clinical researchers at leading universities know through the studies that they have conducted that can cure common illnesses without risk of side affects or the huge cost of prescription drugs. Home remedies work quickly and easily and benefit greatly those who use them. Naturopathic doctors will verify the validity of the claims made by those who use natural remedies.

You can use home remedies to make your own mouthwash, and tooth rinse to prevent cavities. You can make up a home remedy to cure digestive problems like diarrhea, constipation or indigestion. Use a home remedy to calm coughs, or recover from the flu. Make a natural throat gargle that soothes throat irritations or relieves sore throats. You can even mix a natural throat spray that can be used for the treatment of asthma.

Natural remedies are not only used for ailments but can be used to treat skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles, and to clean your skin such as facials, skin washes and skin toners. Make your own recipe to help eliminate dermatitis or destroy bacteria from cuts and scrapes with a natural antiseptic spray. Use natural remedies to make age spot remover, or a formula to reduce varicose veins or stretch marks or even to heal blisters.

Why use caustic chemicals that can harm your body and cost you lots of money when natural remedies use natural herbs, spices and foods from around your home saving you money and are good for your body?

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