Knowhow-Now Article

I'm going to keep this to the point. We simply pack on the pounds around the holidays and get together. Marking the almost end of summer, we love those barbeques, backyard parties, burgers, hot dogs, appetizer plates, beers, mixed drinks...the list goes on. So what do you do to enjoy these things guilt free? I've got a list of strategies you can apply while keeping your diet in check!  If you want to know more about this topic, you can read the tips and guide below.
1) Use a smaller plate to serve your meals, be it appetizer or buffet style meals and stick to only one plate! Avoid going for seconds. It's all about portion control baby!
2) Stick to the least sugary mixed beverages; maybe stick to something like a vodka seltzer. Go for a light beer or glass of white wine for fewer calories. Also drink water in between your alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated, especially in the dead heat of the you'll less likely get a hangover the next day.
3) Barbeques are full of foods high in saturated fat, like burgers and hot dogs. Follow this diet rule; full your plate up with mostly salads and veggies as the main portion of the meal and eat that first. That will keep you from over eating on the fatty foods.
4) If you are going to a Labor Day Weekend potluck, then you better be bringing in a healthy option that'll be a hit at the party - a healthy hummus dip, or tziki dip with cucumbers. Chances are not only will your family and friends love what your brought, but you'll fill up on the delicious goodness, you won't have room for the fatty stuff. And if they don't love it, well then more for you!
5) Be active! Get a volleyball, cornholes, or any backyard game going! You'll burn calories. Why not get some exercise in while you're indulging. Staying physically active at a party woill take your attention off all the food and drinks. If you're going to the beach this weekend, then an awesome game of beach volleyball and Frisbee would totally be fun!
Whichever strategy(ies) you decide to use, remember Tuesday is around the corner and is another day to get back on track! It's all good! Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!
Keeping the fun in fitness!

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

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Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes

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