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Check it out. Big and wobbly arms aren't attractive, right?  I mean the thought of lifting up your arms and seeing that awful batwing can get a bit upsetting to see. There are plenty of fitness workouts specially designed for women to combat that problem area. There are so many exercises out there that can tone and thin out sleek arms. Still, we know we can't target train so the proper way to achieve sexy toned, arms is to couple the routine I'm about to give you with a total body workout and a nutrition plan. 

Fitness exercise alongside with proper diet and weight loss will help you achieve the toning and sculpturing that you need for your arms. Now don't worry, you won't bulk up. Our bodies are not biologically engineered to get as bulky as the guy from the Planet Fitness commercials. You know what I'm talking about…. "I lift things up and put them down" (in the Arnold  Schwarzenegger voice).  Not gonna lie, love their commercials. Anyhow, we simply don't produce enough testosterone. Ehh, if you decide to take steroids, that's on you!

Back to the fitness part….There are several easy and home fitness routine exercises that you can try to have a toned arms.  Fit Fem'rs, there's no need to tell you how crazy I am about kickboxing; it's definitely my all time favorite workout. Like the title of this fitness article implies, let's use some basic martial arts punches as part of your Fit Fem Flash Series to punch our way to awesomely, fantastically, super toned and sexy arms. Punch away for less than 5 minutes…knock a sucka out!!

Ok so ya got four basic punches. Perform each at 20 speedy punches on each side for 3 rounds.

1. Jab – Begin in a wide guard stance; legs are hip wide apart, knees are soft, abdominals are contracted and chin tucked in. Your hands are up in clenched fists raised up to defend yourself and protect your face. The jab always moves the same hand and foot forward, so that the right hand and foot go forward for a right jab and vice versa.  Your body is at a 45 degree angle turn. Start sliding one foot forward while extending and twisting your lead fist so that the knuckles are upward and the palm is facing down at contact.  Execute the punch by pivoting from the torso and extending your fist, again knuckles facing down. Keep your shoulders relaxed the entire time and make sure your elbows are tucked in close to your body, not flared out. The key to punching is to extend and retract the arms without ever locking the elbow joint and quickly returning to your guard. Always keep the non-punching hand close to the body and protecting the face.

2. Cross – In similar guard stance as the jab, you are punching with the opposite arm where your hand is coming across the body. You have to slide your front foot forward and allow the back foot to pivot to cross the punch over. The hips will turn as you punch then return back to starting position after your arms are contracted.  Knuckles still face downward.

3. Hook – Get into the same stance as the jab and cross but bend your elbow and swing it out in a circular motion, keeping the elbow at a 90 degree angle and following through on the punch. The knuckles are actually facing the point of contact of your target, meaning it will be facing outward. Keep your hand close to your chest and throw the hook at shoulder level. You may use momentum through the rotation of your hip and your body to perform a powerful quick hook.

4. Uppercut – With the same stance as described above, throw the uppercut with the palm of your hand facing up and the elbow close to your body. The motion is to strike out and up at your opponent with your knuckles facing upward. Allow your hips to drive the punch.

Put on some adrenaline pumping tunes and punch your way to the ‘awesomest' (I know, improper grammar) arms you've ever had. Try this Fit Fem Flash fitness routine out and let me know how strong you get. Work it, work it!!

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

For more information, be sure to check out Personal Trainer Long Island

Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes


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