Thefitfem's articles
Hello there Fit Femr's!! So I wanted to introduce to you one of the most delicious, fantastic fun foods: Almonds baby!!Almonds Awesomeness Almonds Awesomeness
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
First off, I want to thank all of you for reading my blog and for supporting me. The reason I'm extending my gratitude to all of you is because I finally feel that I have come closer to a balanced life than ever before. That's not to say that my life is fully balanced; I am still working on certain …
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Today I present to you the Beach Booty Fit Ball routine to get an awesome booty in less than 5 minutes. Before I start though, I suggest you purchase this one piece of equipment: the Swiss Ball, Exercise Ball, Swiss Ball (these are terms used interchangeably).
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
As you can tell by the title, I was inspired by the movie The Black Swan. Now…here comes the disclaimer… I do not condone the intense and vigorous amounts of physicality of the workout, often, taken to an extreme obsession (we know anything that's considered an extreme obsession is not good for your…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Hello FitFem'rs! You ready for another fantastic workout that takes only 5 minutes? Yea, I knew you would! And this is will have your booty screaming for mercy. I know I've written an article before about getting that perfect butt but I figured what the hell, let's talk about it again!
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Happy ‘Hump' Day. It's Wednesday and you are super close to the weekend again. What better way to celebrate than to talk about one of the most famous exercise machines every created. It is the heart and soul of most workouts. Drum rollllllllll….the TREADMILL!
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Okay, who wants to admit here that we sometimes eat because we are bored unexpectedly packing on the fat? Ever sit in front of the TV or computer and just start snacking and snacking and before you know it you eat a whole bag of Doritos. And then we end up either feeling pity for ourselves or hating…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Happy Monday Fit Fem'rs! Let's start the week on a positive note. Being a true Fit Fem'r includes exuding positivity all around you. Positive outlook in life has a twofold effect. It drives you towards happiness and contentment and in turn will also have positive effects on the people you will meet.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Fit Fem'rs, it's fantastic fun food Friday and today we'll highlight a splendid green leafy vegetable: cabbage. Do you remember the cabbage patch kids….ugh not to date myself but I grew up on the cabbage patch kids…I digress…So few appreciate this awesome food but you're missing out if you don't.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
We all know that diet and exercise are super important to reaching your weight loss and fitness goals. What about dietary supplements?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
The best foods to eat for a healthy body are fruits and vegetables. Period! It is a fact and we all agree with it. All fruits and vegetables have their own benefits for our body and that is why people eat it.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Calories are the measurement of energy. We get this energy from foods we consume which is an essential part in the processes our organ systems carry out. The body needs calories because we need energy.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Garbanzo beans, otherwise known as chick peas are edible legumes that are a fantastic addition to your weight loss plan. In fact there are many lovers of chick peas because they are low in fat, high in protein, and filled with fiber. And because of this, chick peas are the dieter's ideal food.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Are you obsessed with exercising too much? Does your weight loss and fitness goal push you to over train? If so, you probably do not know the dangers that you face when doing so. With the Fit Fem being predominately and weight loss authority blog for women only, I wanted to intentionally highlight a…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
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