Knowhow-Now Article

The best foods to eat for a healthy body are fruits and vegetables. Period! It is a fact and we all agree with it. All fruits and vegetables have their own benefits for our body and that is why people eat it. Our body has specific needs when it comes to nutrition and it must be met in order to have a healthy body. All women would like to have healthy body but most women would like to have a sexy body. So in order for them to have it, they must know how to take care of their body. And this is through eating well and living a healthy lifestyle.

Fit Fem'rs...It's fantastic fun food Friday and I wanted to highlight this awesome green vegetable: broccoli. We all know what broccoli is and a lot of us eat this vegetable but what do you know about this vegetable? Do you know the benefits of broccoli? Most people don't know its benefits. All they know is that it is a vegetable which means it is healthy. It's good to know the specific benefits so you will know which vegetable you should eat.

Here are the benefits that you can get from broccoli:

• For detoxification – removal and elimination of unwanted contaminants in our body

• Reduce the risk of heart problems

• Cancer fighting

• Lowers cholesterol levels

• Good source for Vitamins A, K and D

Broccoli is an amazing source of vitamins that help the body's metabolic system. If your metabolism process is good then it will be easier for you to lose weight if that is what you are after. But in order to get all the nutrients from the broccoli, you must make sure that it is cooked properly. If it gets overcooked, both the nutrients and the flavour will be affected. Here are some reminders for broccoli preparation:

• Only remove a thin layer of the stalk to preserve the nutrients

• After cutting, leave the vegetable for a few minutes

• Steam for 5 minutes

Or you can broccoli raw, which is still just as tasty.

Don't just eat vegetables just so you can lose weight. Eat it because it is good for your health and your body. So get the benefits of broccoli today! And remember to sing the Dana Carvey song when you food shop for broccoli.

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Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes

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