Knowhow-Now Article

Are you obsessed with exercising too much? Does your weight loss and fitness goal push you to over train? If so, you probably do not know the dangers that you face when doing so. With the Fit Fem being predominately and weight loss authority blog for women only, I wanted to intentionally highlight an ever-growing problem among many women, of all ages and nationalities.

Overtraining pushes your body to intensity, quantity, and duration more than your body can handle or recover from. Fitness becomes an activity that usually causes imbalance between training and recovery that occurs when you engage in repetitive exercise that lacks in rest intervals.

If you are suspecting that you might be overtraining, consider the following assessment of your weight loss and fitness program. Are you experiencing the following?
•Easily damaged knee due to an abrupt injury or frequent musculoskeletal injury;
•Long standing muscle or joint pain;
•Easy fatigability;
•Increase in blood pressure and resting heart rate;
•Depression, anxiety, and irritability;
•Amenorrhea (due to decrease in estrogen level)
•Difficulty in getting pregnant;
•Low self-esteem

Before engaging in weight loss and fitness program, carefully notice of the program gives you an exercise that gives your muscle enough stress to make them stronger. Make sure that you increase distance, intensity, and weight of exercise by only 10% per week. Your weight loss and fitness program should give you at least one day of rest per week.

If your only goal towards weight loss and fitness is too become extremely think because you think that's sexy, then it is time to make a reality check. Why? Because if this is solely your goal, you will only push yourself harder; maybe too hard that your body cannot handle it.

If you lose weight, it does not mean that you are fit. Remember that when you over train, you only prevent health improvements from happening. In fact, you may counteract the healthful benefits from fitness. You should really change your psyche of how you view yourself. Being extremely thin is not sexy at all without having lean muscle mass and tone. You may be thin but you are compounded by illnesses. And who the hell wants that in their lives.

Overtraining to have that weight loss and fitness rapidly is next to impossible. Be sure that you maintain balance in everything that you do. Eating the right food and having an exercise program with appropriate intensity and duration is the best thing that you can do to achieve a healthier body and mind.

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

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Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes

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