Knowhow-Now Article

Happy ‘Hump' Day. It's Wednesday and you are super close to the weekend again. What better way to celebrate than to talk about one of the most famous exercise machines every created. It is the heart and soul of most workouts. Drum rollllllllll….the TREADMILL!

The treadmill has become one of the most popular exercise machines ever created. However, there are those out there who have found using the treadmill as boring and quite mundane. I am one of them. I'm not sure if it's because I find running particularly boring, for me, or because it's hard as hell and I sue boredom as an excuse. Look, I'm a real person too ya know, and yes sometimes I struggle with some workouts. Luckily, there are ways for you to beat that treadmill boredom and create workouts that will keep you moving and getting fitter each day.

One of the most common ways people have made their treadmill workouts more interesting is by watching television or listening to their music player. Set a goal for yourself every time you hop onto the treadmill by setting a specific number of minutes or miles for your workouts. Adding some variety to your exercise routine will make it less tedious so try working out by changing your incline or speed. Anything you have been doing for an extended period of time is going to seem boring so go ahead and take a break from your treadmill every now and again. Workouts will also seem less boring if you have a workout buddy with you and you can both give and receive encouragement.

One other way you can kick boredom out of your treadmill workouts is by having a specific workout in mind. I've made it easy for you chicks here. There is a collection of six workouts that you can do on your treadmill in the span of a week and that you can repeat for as long as you want and it helps you stay fit.

Beginning on Monday, power walk for half an hour and then do twenty minutes of strength training.

The next three workouts will involve more activity with Tuesday starting off on an easy walk then brisk walking for three minutes total, followed by power walking for two minutes and running for another two minutes, interchanging the two ten times, then easy walking for two minutes. It's called Interval Training.

Wednesday can begin with easy walking for five minutes, twelve reps of any strength training move, power walk at a higher than usual incline for three minutes, interchange the strength training and power walking six times, then easy walking for five minutes.

Thursday is similar to Tuesday but interchange the power walking and running six times instead of ten and three minutes of easy walking at the end.

Friday is the same as Monday and Saturday is similar to Thursday but add two extra minutes to the first part, the running, and easy walking at the end.
Sunday is your day to rest.

Don't let the excuse of boredom keep you from receiving the workout benefits of the fantastic treadmill.

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

For more information, be sure to check out Personal Trainer Long Island

Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes

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