Browse Articles By Tag: Marriage
A thorough understanding of all the possible alternatives you have before, during and after your divorce can prevent either one of you from being trapped into a financial crisis. Check our tips for advice!
22.07.2016 · From TheAuthor
The first thing that you have to remember if you want to get your wife back is that tricks, harassment, threats, and begging are not the way to do it. Even if it does work neither of you will be happy. (...)
27.11.2015 · From LindaBrown
It may be a cliche but it's true: you don't know what you've got until it's gone. This is a common scenario in many types of relationships,especially marriages. It might seem like one day you and your spouse are solid and happy and the next day you have a marriage in...
26.11.2015 · From LindaBrown
Financially, emotionally, and career-wise, changes caused by stress during and after a divorce can be overwhelming. This article outlines some ways that you can come through the stress of divorce more quickly and in better shape than most people manage.
13.05.2015 · From TheAuthor
There he goes again! He’s off to the baseball game with his friends while you sit home alone. He didn’t even ask if you would like to go. Of course, you always seem to be making plans with your girlfriends that exclude men. (...)
28.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
Some marriages seem to dissolve into nothing but one argument after another. You argue about money, how to discipline the children, work, family, friends and even the weather. At least it feels like you argue about even simple things like the weather, because you and...
27.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
It can be very hurtful when there is very little or no sexual relations happening in a marriage. After all one of the reasons you get married is because you see each other as emotionally and physically compatible. (...)
26.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
One of the major causes of divorce is infidelity. Infidelity can cause a lot of heartbreak in a marriage, because it is painful and embarrassing. But it also is a symptom that a marriage has serious problems that have developed and not been addressed. (...)
26.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
When you have spent the last 20 to 30 years raising children and they are no longer living in the house, it can be difficult to emotionally adjust. Parenting is a full time job for both the wife and husband. (...)
25.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
There you were having a nice time at the party you and your spouse were attending. You were chatting with some friends and enjoying a small plate of food from the buffet table. Your spouse appears out of nowhere and says, “Look at all that food you’re eating. (...)
24.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
The old Led Zeppelin song “Communication Breakdown” says it well. “Communication breakdown, it’s always the same. Havin’ a nervous breakdown, a-drive me insane.” Well you may not be going insane, but miscommunication can cause true stress in a marriage. (...)
23.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
It can be very demoralizing for your husband or wife to be laid off from work. Most homes today rely on two incomes to make ends meet, so when one income is lost it can place a lot of stress on a marriage. (...)
21.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
A marriage may have to deal with a number of problems over the years. One of those problems is the possibility of a spouse getting sick or injured. This can place an enormous strain on a marriage depending on the severity of the medical problems. (...)
21.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
Codependency in the marriage can cause a lot of deep resentments that are not even really understood at the time. You know you feel bad about the relationship, but may not be sure of exactly what is causing the problems. (...)
21.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
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