Browse Articles By Tag: security
Passwords are significant elements that can protect the integrity of an individual’s personal digital information or a company’s database. These can also effectively shun any person who may have malicious intents to gain access to the data. (...)
23.02.2013 · From Kristen
A crime such as identity fraud is something that scars the reputation of its victims for years. Learn how losing your SS card could damage your life and finances all at the same time.
20.02.2013 · From amyjk
Are you having worries about keeping your passwords safe? If you want to create almost unhackable passwords and not forget your multiple passwords in multiple accounts and systems, use Password Managers. (...)
17.02.2013 · From Kristen
A great majority of people do not really comprehend the importance of a password. This is the reason why they keep on using the same passwords for years or over and over again on many accounts and websites. (...)
17.02.2013 · From Kristen
The Internet is an incredible invention of the 21st century that was able shrink the world and cross the borders and limitations set by geographical and time barriers. It brought with it immense opportunities and global competition. (...)
16.02.2013 · From Kristen
Large organizations utilize a lot of passwords because of a number of systems and applications they maintain. Whenever the users do not use any tool to store or manage their passwords, their ability to secure the passwords is weak and is faced with too many risks. (...)
15.02.2013 · From Kristen
The words “password hackers” never fail to bring such a negative connotation. A password cracker is an application program that helps in discovering the forgotten password to allow the user an access to computer or network resources. (...)
12.02.2013 · From Kristen
The cracking or hacking of a password carry some ominous meaning as one readily associates it to illegal or unauthorized hacking to gain an unauthorized access to a database that may hold much valuable information to the owner. (...)
11.02.2013 · From Kristen
If you are worried about hackers and the security of your multiple accounts in various websites and company systems, there is a good reason to worry. With people, businesses and all kinds of organizations around the world trying to establish an online presence, there...
08.02.2013 · From Kristen
Passwords are among the first things that any computer user learns. It is basic. It intends to protect one’s stored information. With the advent of the Internet, meddling with other people’s accounts became possible. (...)
08.02.2013 · From Kristen
What is it about the password that helps in protecting your stored information? While the use of passwords is already deemed as an important step in securing those stored data, there is a need to step it up to ensure security. This is called password strength. (...)
04.02.2013 · From Kristen
QA services go parallel with software development and complement the testing process.
05.12.2012 · From Masood
The advent of BYOD has led individuals to store both secure enterprise data and personal information in the same device. The use of container techniques is expected to help in ensuring a proper degree of security for both types of information.
25.09.2012 · From extendcode
Make sure your network security is up to scratch by investing in the latest software.
26.07.2012 · From bgiles
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