Knowhow-Now Article

Things To Remember To Underscore The Importance Of Passwords

Passwords are among the first things that any computer user learns. It is basic. It intends to protect one’s stored information. With the advent of the Internet, meddling with other people’s accounts became possible. Passwords became the more important to stand like a guard to protect the portal to one’s stored information. If and when an attacker so decides to crack your password with sophisticated tools, a weak password does not stand a chance. The importance of passwords cannot be more stressed.

With the risks posed by password hackers, one can’t afford to be complacent. Here are some “Dos and Don’ts” that are good to remember when it comes to password generation:

Do you want to know what you must avoid doing: Here are some examples:

• Don’t use your name or the names of any member of your family. The hacker will always try to find out about this information and try these first along with numbers that are associated with you – birthdates, address, plate numbers, anniversaries, etc.

• Don’t use common Dictionary words or their variants. Normally password cracking tools can make a Dictionary attack using millions of words per second. A word found in the dictionary can’t stand this kind of onslaught; sooner or later, the password will be hacked.

• Don’t use Dictionary words that were just combined or hyphenated because these are common approaches that even elementary hackers know.

• Don’t use proper nouns like names of people, places or brands. These are among the easiest names to crack.

• Don’t recycle used passwords especially the ones that were already compromised and especially those that you have used in the past few months or even within the year. If ever a need to reuse an old password becomes necessary, those used over a year ago and was never compromised are good options.

• Don’t ever write down your username or password on a piece of paper for where this can be easily found or misplaced. Should it be necessary, make sure that the safekeeping is foolproof.

To emphasize the importance of passwords, here are some best practices in composing strong passwords:

• Do change your password as frequent as it is possible especially those accounts or stored information that are critical. If you think your password has been compromised, don’t even hesitate; change the password ASAP.

• Do change the password even before you fire a disgruntled employee who knows about all the passwords in the various systems being used in your business operation. This is most important especially if the employee is being dismissed for dishonesty.

• Do compose your password with strength. This can be done by combining English and non-English words like Latin word sets. A strong password is relatively long that consists of a jumble of small and capital letters, numbers and special characters.

• Do create passwords that are long enough but not longer than 14 characters. Very long passwords may also be easier to hack.

• Do use passwords where the letters and numbers can have interchanged values. This will be harder to crack for illegitimate hackers.

• Do use password phrases that have been reduced into fewer characters. Phrases are not usually allowed so you must find a way to reduce the phrase into fewer letters, numbers and characters.

• Do use good encryption password software to maintain the integrity of your passwords particularly if you have to manage a large number of passwords. Usually, you will need a master password for this to access and view the entire password that you are using for all the accounts and networks you are using.

• Do adopt two factors authentication in your accounts that hold immense value to you, your identity and finances. As any password can be hacked by professional hackers if they so determinedly go for it, the use of biological information as a way of authenticating the user/administrator is the best way. This means logging into your account like in a sci-fi movie – using the retina of the eyes, finger prang, or voice input.

The importance of passwords can’t be better emphasized. Decoding passwords is tantamount to stealing the identity of a person as that password opens the portal to everything of value to that person. The truth is, as long as there are people who are hell-bent on figuring out your password, there are technologies that will help them attain that. Your task is to make hacking a little but harder for them.

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