Knowhow-Now Article

Suppose you are an American and you have decided that a career as a malpractice attorney is for you. Lawyers and doctors – must be lucrative, huh? But don’t spend that money yet. You need dedication to your job and a willingness to not have a personal life in order to become a malpractice attorney. If you want money, be a used car salesperson. If you want to try and make a difference and go into a somewhat respectable profession, be a medical malpractice attorney.
Off To School
Before you can enroll in any course that will lead to a legal degree in medical malpractice, you have to graduate from high school or get a GED. Then, you have to go to college to get a degree in pre-law, law or even business. You need to do all of this before you can concentrate on studies to be a malpractice attorney.
In order to get into law colleges and universities, you need to take the LSAT. Remember the SAT in order to go to regular college? Well, the LSAT is the lawyer school's version of the usual SAT examination. You need to send those scores and your transcripts from your previous college or university to your legal college or university.
Then, after you are accepted to the legal college or university, you need to work hard at two things. The first is passing your courses to get a degree. This takes an average of three years. Meanwhile, you also need to get a job at a law firm or legal department of a company. It's best if you can get a job with a firm that is full of malpractice attorneys.
Hang On To The Bar
After you complete your studies, your reward is to take the bar exam for your state. Most people fail the first time around and so have to take it again. You need to check with your college or university to see when and where the bar exam for your state is offered. If you pass the bar, party like it's 1999, pass out and then get down to work.
You then need to get a job as a malpractice attorney in a firm that specializes in your area of expertise. There's no guarantee that the firm or legal department you worked at in college will hire you as an attorney. You may have to take up your roots and move to another town or state in order to get a job.

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