Knowhow-Now Article

Dating Tips For Black Men

By Linda Brown

Linda Brown

Dating can be tough but there are some things you can do to make it a little bit easier on both you and the woman you've asked on a date. These 10 dating tips for black men can help you next time you're on a date.

You have to remember that she is probably nervous too and may be unsure about what to do. Thinking of it this way can help set you at ease and make it more comfortable for you both.

Double-check your hygiene before you walk out the door. Make sure that you smell good, and that you have fresh breath. Wear a light, nice cologne. But don't overdo it on the scent.

This dating tip for men is something the guys often forget if they don't date very often. Check your fingernails. Be sure your hands look well groomed just like the rest of you because women tend to look at a guy's hands and judge him by how neat they are.

remember to have fun on dates

Another dating tip that can help a black man on a date, especially when it's your first date with a particular woman, is to check your shoes. Women tend to look at a man's hands and his feet for good grooming.

Do take charge a little bit on your date. It's all right to ask her what she wants to do or let her make the decisions, but don't appear too wishy-washy. If you have asked her on a date then this is your ballgame and you need to claim it and make sure you both have a good time.

Do offer to pay for the meal or whatever activity you're doing. Unless you agreed to go halves when you asked her on this date, then step up to the plate and pay for the date.

Plan ahead if cost could be an issue to make sure everything's easily affordable for you. There are nice restaurants that are more affordable than the fanciest ones in town. But avoid going super-cheap.

Some black men make the mistake when on a date of leaving all the conversational topics to the woman. Be prepared with something to talk about that is fairly neutral. As usual when meeting anyone new avoid topics like politics and religion. Stick to more neutral things like work, travel, movies, hobbies and topics of that nature.

Brush up on current events if you're not very knowledgeable about what's going on right now. This is always a good topic of conversation. The last big thing to be on the news is something most people can discuss at length pretty easily.

It's okay to admit that you're nervous when on a date. By letting her know you are a little bit nervous you're letting her know that you really like her and you want to make a good impression.

Remember these 10 dating tips for black men next time you're on a date and make it a success!

It's all right to ask her what she wants to do or let her make the decisions, but don't appear too wishy-washy.

men are expected to be strong

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