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What Should You Talk About With Your Boyfriend?

Love is such a fantastic feeling, but at times you will find yourself doing things that you might not enjoy doing. One thing that can sometimes be difficult in a relationship is knowing what to talk about with your boyfriend. Men aren't always the best communicators and they often don't like to participate in conversation unless it is about something that interests them, but how do you know what might interest him?

The longer you are in a relationship the more you will get to know your boyfriends interests. When you know what his interests are you should initiate conversations based around his interests. You might even want to do some research about the topics he is interested so that you know what you are talking about when you converse with your boyfriend about the topic. This can become difficult if it is a topic that you yourself are not interested in but sometimes you might have to bite the bullet and discuss his interest just to have a good conversation with him.

Let's take a look at some topics that might possibly be of interest to your boyfriend:

1. Talk About Sex.

Sex is a topic that all men are interested in and I'm sure your boyfriend isn't any different. You can talk about sex in general or sex between you both. You can share your feelings on how you enjoyed sex with him or even discuss different positions that you like or ask him what he likes. I'm sure your boyfriend will enjoy this conversation and by discussing sex you will also get to know what each other likes and this can keep your sex life strong and exciting.

2. Cars and Motorbikes.

There aren't too many men that don't like either cars or motorbikes or both. This might not be a topic that you are particularly interested in but they will surely be impressed if you show interest in the topic. You could talk about cars or motorbikes in general, or your boyfriend might have particular interests with a particularly type of car or motorbike that you can learn more about.

3. Food.

You have probably heard the saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach', well men love to eat and they enjoy food, so this is one topic that they might be interested in. You may need to find out what particular foods he likes and then he may have interest in the conversation about those foods, cooking and recipes.

4. Travelling.

Most people like to travel, both men and women so this could be an interest that you might share. If your boyfriend has travelled or has dreams to travel then this can be a great topic for conversation. You can discuss places that you have travelled to in the past and places that you would like to travel to.

When looking for interests to talk about with your boyfriend, you will want to stay from emotional conversations. Men are rarely comfortable talking about feeling and emotions so you will soon lose his attention if you talk about them. Although there are occasions when feelings and emotions need to be discussed, you don't want to use them for general conversation topics.

If you are initiating a conversation about an interest he has, but you don't have much knowledge about, just ask him questions. He will be glad that you are showing an interest and that you want to learn more about the topic. It also makes the conversation easier as he will do a lot of the talking when answering your questions.

When you are talking to your boyfriend you want to pay attention and not get distracted because you are bored with the topic. Even if it is a topic that you aren't really interested in, don't make it obvious to him that you really aren't interested. The longer that you are in a relationship, the easier conversation becomes, so just be patient and soon the conversations will flow easily.

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