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A Basic Astral Projection Guide For Starters

Astral projection is not a totally new phenomenon as many people around the world have experienced leaving their physical body and encountered dimensions outside the physical realm. Also commonly known as astral projection or astral travel, this out-of-body experience occurs when a person’s astral body leaves the physical body temporarily. Here, the laws of science often do not apply and people simply experience a floating or flying sensation that is difficult to explain. For those who want to know more about this ancient practice, below is a quick astral projection guide made especially for beginners.

During astral projection, an individual travels from one realm to another. Usually, people who experience astral projection see themselves still connected to their physical body through a special type of energy. This energy, which takes the appearance of a silver cord, is typically seen attached to the physical body – much like the way a baby’s umbilical cord is attached to the mother. According to experts, the appearance of the silver cord is very important as it is an indication that one is completely safe and still has the ability to return to the physical realm anytime.

Contrary to “near death experiences” in which individuals are usually taken aback at being out of their physical body, astral projection is an occurrence that can be deliberately induced and controlled at all times. Hence, people can choose where to go and when to come back.

There are numerous ways that people can experience astral projection. Binaural beats, for example, can serve as an astral projection guide to beginners who find it difficult to achieve complete relaxation and meditation. Also known as brainwave entrainment, this astral projection tool involves listening to special sound frequencies.

After a series of studies regarding frequencies, scientists have discovered that certain alpha and theta wave combinations help with consciousness shift that favors projection. Binaural beats help individuals shift normal consciousness to a state required to attain astral projection. These pure sine waves, which are transmitted with the use of headphones, are slightly different in each ear. This results in a synchronization of both of the hemispheres of the brain.

Aside from music (binaural beats), people who wish to attain an out-of-body experience can make use of astral projection guides in the form of books. More often than not, astral projection books help individuals master the art of astral travel by discussing the importance of psychological affirmations (desire, serious intention, and determination), relaxation, meditation, right timing, and proper environment or atmosphere. Most books also teach astral projection techniques that facilitate travel to the different astral planes.

Today, a growing number of esoteric believers and other people are starting to gain interest in learning how to project into another plane or dimension. Though it may seem a bit eerie, astral projection is really an experience of a lifetime since it involves leaving the physical body and looking at it from a distance. What is more, one can travel far and observe the physical realm from the spiritual body.

To those who find themselves unsuccessful in their first few attempts to astral project, do not be discouraged. Constant practice makes perfect since this technique is not something that cannot be learned overnight. Remember that although anyone can practically do astral projection, it takes training to trigger the special ability to journey into the non-physical world. Although science may not be convinced that such phenomenon really does exist, supporters of astral projection believe that taking time to fine tune one’s natural abilities can make a person experience a journey that has many benefits for the human spirit.

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