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A Few Mobile Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Are you thinking about launching a mobile marketing campaign? Select your strategies carefully and avoid common mistakes. You should keep reading for more information on the most common mobile marketing mistakes to avoid.

Tip: Wait for results of one campaign before beginning a new one. The longevity of a campaign will be a better indicator of success than sales numbers.

You should not invest time or resources in mobile marketing before you know more about your customers and their relation to the mobile platform. This platform is a great way to interact with some target groups but keep in mind that certain subcultures, some older age groups or even an international audience will not be interested in this marketing campaign. You should not expect your new campaign to interest all your customers and take the time to figure out how many customers are likely to join this campaign.

Tip: Your mobile marketing call to action should be extremely simple and user-friendly. When you are designing forms for your mobile users to use, never forget the method with which they are inputting information.

Do not share too many updates. Your mobile marketing campaign will quickly become intrusive and lose its value if you share updates too frequently. Daily updates are a good strategy for your social media marketing campaign or your blog, but you might have to wait longer in between updates if you are sending text alerts or encouraging your customers to visit your mobile website. A weekly update might be a better option but you will probably have to adapt the frequency of your updates in function of the way your audience reacts.

Tip: When using links in a mobile marketing campaign, make sure that you give a link to both the mobile-friendly version of your site and the full version. Some people have smartphones and tablets with larger screens and will prefer to see the full version.

Do not forget to address privacy concerns. Your customers might hesitate to download your apps or share their phone numbers with you if they do not feel comfortable. You should write a short description of your text alerts next to the subscription form and assure your subscribers that you will not share their number with anyone. Each update should include a code or a link to unsubscribe. Text your apps extensively to make sure they will not crash or interfere with other apps.

Tip: Create an account, and establish a presence on every well known social networking website. Being located in all of these places is crucial to your business's popularity.

Do not forget that your primary goal is to sell more products. You should share content that is directly related to the items you are selling or the discounts you are offering. If possible, give customers an option to place an order through your mobile marketing campaign or at least pre-order a product via text message. Choose the content you share very carefully and focus on creating content that will generate some interest in your products.

Tip: Use your normal website to promote your mobile site. If you need a simple way to get your viewers to take advantage of your mobile sites and smartphone apps, make sure they are aware of these by promoting them on your base website.

You should not launch your mobile marketing campaign without having an efficient way of measuring your progress. You will need quality mobile marketing software to keep track of how many recipients open your text messages and follow your links. You should add a visitor counter to your mobile website and to the page where customers can download your apps. You can get a good idea of how many sales you generate by keeping track of how many customers redeem the coupon codes you share via mobile marketing or by asking them to answer to surveys on what influenced them to purchase a product.

You will get excellent results if you stay away from these common mobile marketing mistakes. Do more research on mobile marketing before you launch your campaign.

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