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About Online Degrees For Medical Malpractice Attorneys

It can take many, many years of schooling before you can pass your state bar exam and be allowed to be a medical malpractice attorney. On average, you need to be in college for seven years. Even then, you need to keep on learning. Many states require that all of their medical or dental malpractice attorneys keep taking classes in order to stay certified. But traveling to and from your classes for many years is an incredible hassle on your health, your car and your time. Can you take online courses instead?
It Depends Where You Live
Many states will allow online classes for medical malpractice attorneys that have already passed the bar exam. Still, you have to check your state's laws very thoroughly. You have to be sure that your online school is listed as an accredited school in your state. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your time and your money.
But what about an online degree to help you become a medical malpractice attorney in the first place? Again, this depends on where you live or what state you work in. Some states will accept some online courses and some won't. You also have to check to see what online schools are accredited for your state. You can also check with the US Department of Education to see if an online school is accredited.
Future Trends
Because of the incredible costs of keeping a campus building going and the cost of gas, more and more pressure is being applied to organizations to accept online degrees, even for a medical malpractice attorney. There are some online schools such as the Concord Law School that will even offer a Juris Doctor (JD degree), which is the lawyer's equivalent of a doctorate.
Getting an online degree to be a medical malpractice attorney is not cheap. You still will have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars, get loans and deal with financial aid departments. More and more employers are discovering that the online courses are just as hard and mentally challenging as a campus course.
Online degrees are becoming more and more accepted for paralegals, even those working for a medical malpractice attorney. There's a big demand for paralegals because it is a high-stress job that often has a high turnover. However, being a hot-shot medical malpractice attorney is also a high stress job. If one area of the law begins a trend at allowing online degrees, others are sure to follow.

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