Knowhow-Now Article

Art Of Flirting

Many people believe that the art of flirting is something that you either have or you don’t. This isn’t true at all. The art of flirting is something, which can be mastered by anyone with an interest in learning how to flirt. It’s a practice-makes-perfect skill, which is learned from the inside out. Everyone masters the art of flirting differently, but there are some basics of the art of flirting which might help you to find the flirt within and bring her out to play.

Tip: Take small steps. It can be overwhelming to have goals that are large and don't seem easy to accomplish.

The first thing to know about the art of flirting is that it’s something, which can be done by anyone. You don’t need to be the most attractive person in the room (and beauty is a subjective quality anyone) and you don’t have to be the smartest, most athletic or most outgoing either. The art of flirting is designed to bring out the wonderful qualities that are unique about you and to let them shine so that others can be drawn to them. In this way, the art of flirting begins from the inside. Knowing the qualities you like about yourself and using them as a basis, the art of flirting is an art of quiet confidence.

Tip: Believe it or not being too nice to others often means not being nice enough to yourself. Part of personal development is fulfilling the obligation to self and this cannot always be accomplished when you are at the beck and call of a dozen individuals.

But you want to know what to do to let others know that you’re a terrific person right? The art of flirting is an art, which is primarily non-verbal. They say that the eyes are the keys to the soul and you should use yours as a starting point for the art of flirting. Have you ever been glancing around a room, bored and disinterested in what was going on around you when a stranger caught your gaze and held it for a few moments? For most people, this causes the heart to race and the mind to start whirring, wondering what it was about them that caught someone’s attention. People are drawn to others who are attracted to them and you can convey your interest at many levels with the different types of looks you give to people. The art of flirting will incorporate many different types of gazes. If you are in a public setting and just want to catch the eye of a stranger, meeting their gaze and holding it for a few seconds then letting it go followed by meeting it again is the best method. This quickly conveys that you are interested in flirting with them and you will be able to tell from their reaction whether or not they share your interest. More aggressive flirting is done through giving the object of flirtation a look, which says, “I am thinking dirty things about you”. Sometimes this is done with a lingering gaze, sometimes with an up-and-down-the-body glance and sometimes with a stare, which suggests that you are hungry and looking to devour them.

In addition to eye contact, the art of flirting makes use of other types of body language. Positioning your body in such a manner that shows you are open to communication is crucial to the art of flirting. Touching the other person is also a big part of the art of flirting, but it should be done cautiously. You should read the other person’s body language to determine whether they are welcoming the signals you are sending out. You’ll be able to tell if it’s appropriate to touch their arm or lean your leg against theirs while talking. The art of flirting consists of a combination of conveying your intentions while reading the signals of the other person. A successful combination of these two things which stems from a foundation of casual confidence in your own self worth makes the art of flirting enjoyable and fun.

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