Knowhow-Now Article

Band Resistance Training Routines For Toned Muscles

It is not uncommon nowadays to see people going to the gym for toned muscles. Losing weight has always been the pursuit of many people because everybody wants to have the great looks often projected by fashion industry. Usually, people try various exercise programs such as Pilates, Yoga ,Tae Bo, Pole dancing and any work-out that could possibly give them the results they want. Unfortunately, after losing some weight, the muscles sag so theres a need to tone the muscles. With band resistance training, achieving toned muscles can be a lot easier because elastic bands are handy and the routines can be done anywhere. Here are a couple of band resistance training routines that can be easily done in the comforts of your home.

Tip: Keep fitness costs to a minimum by researching free and low-cost ways to stay fit. Walking, jogging and working out to television and free online workout videos are all great ways to workout without breaking the bank.

*Bicep Curl Using both feet , step on tube and hold handles firmly. A wider feet stance can be more challenging for the body. Then, simply bend the elbows and curl hands up towards shoulder. Release and repeat. Done repeatedly, this band resistance training routine can help you create bicep muscles.

Tip: It is possible to burn calories while at the workplace, if you look for opportunities to stand. Standing will burn more calories than sitting.

*Chest Press Put the band around something that is sturdy. Next, hold the handles firmly in each hand making sure that both palms are facing each other. The elastic tubing must be running along inside of the arms and placed under the armpits. Slowly, squeeze your chest and press arms. Repeat for many times.

Tip: Try to alternate cardio with strength training to get the most effective work out. Aerobic exercise will boost your heart rate.

*One-Armed Reverse Fly First, use the front feet to stand on one end of the band. Using one hand, hold the other end and slowly lean over. Ideally, you must lean over using torso with 45 degree angle and your abs tucked in. The elbow shoudl be slightly bended so the bands can be firmly held in a fixed position. Raise your arm up to your shoulders making sure that you contract shoulder blades.

The aforementioned are just simple but practical upper body exercises for band resistance training for anyone. Band resistance training is really a great alternative for people who enjoy simple exercises that are practical. A pair of bands would not cost you too much unlike having a gym membership. Additionally, band resistance training could also suit women's physical conditioning needs without having to subject them to heavy loads. Band resistance training is a good choice for people who dislike heavy stuff. As compared to free weights, there is not much need for stacking meatal plates that need space. Lastly, band resistance training is just as effective as going to the gym with less cost ; moreover, muscles can get toned.

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