Knowhow-Now Article

Blogging Mistakes To Watch Out For

People love to use blogs as a way to get their message out to the world, but that doesn't mean they don't make mistakes along the way. The best way to avoid these mistakes is to learn about them, and this article was written to educate you on a few of the most common. Continue reading to learn what not to do on your blog.

Ignoring your blog even for a day can lead your readers not to come back. Unless you update your site every weekday, people won't bother returning daily as they will think that nothing will have changed. Whatever you do, at least post once per day with something people will consider worthy of reading. Even if you take one day per week to come up with five posts and then post them automatically each day, at least something new will be up. The same goes for your social media accounts - be sure something is posted to them daily to keep your name in the minds of your followers.

Tip: Always be available to your readers. Try to make this a habit for both you and your readers.

Ignoring search engine optimization is another sure way to let your blog languish in obscurity. While these techniques should be used from day one, you can always begin implementing them today on your site. Research the methods in use today so that your site is compliant with Google's current algorithms. Don't dip into black hat SEO or else you could find your site blacklisted, meaning it won't show up on Google at all. Instead, focus on white hat techniques like choosing key phrases and putting them into headers and titles. Also, including lots of unique, interesting content will boost your Google page rank, so focus on that.

Making your site too fancy can really put off some readers. For example, if your site uses a technology they don't have installed, such as Java or Flash, they may not see it correctly. If your navigation isn't based on text, those with simple browsers may not even be able to get around. If your site is simple but elegant, making navigation simple, you'll find more people are happy to use it and will return time and time again. Keep it simple; smarty is a good motto to keep in mind.

Tip: Use good search engine optimization techniques when creating your blog. Since your ultimate goal is to have people read your blog, you will want to make sure that your blog appears in their search results for specified topics.

You must add links to your content which allows your reader to share what you have posted through social media. If not, you are missing out on a great opportunity to get back links, great for your page rank, and spread the word about your site. When a link is shared, all of the followers of that social media account see it, and that can drum up new readers who will also share your content, and this goes on and on as your numbers grow.

With all of this knowledge behind you, you're ready to go forward and make your blog the best it can be. Take your time to consider each mistake so that you never make them yourself. The harder you work to perfect your blog, the larger your readership will become.

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