Knowhow-Now Article

Blogging: What Do You Blog About?

So, you have taken the steps to have your own personal blog page. You have decided on a clever name. You have created an eye-catching theme. Now comes the best part: writing your blog.

Have you been there? Perhaps you were a little too impulsive, setting up a blog page before you had a clue as to its purpose - what your platform would be.

Tip: For your blog to be successful, ensure that search engine optimization is utilized within the content. You need your blog to appear near the top of search engine listings for your topics so that Internet users can easily come across your posts.

Well, guess what? This is not rocket science. Whether just for your own personal pleasure or for purposes of making money, first and foremost, blogging should be fun. Equally important: You need to incorporate yourself, YOUR voice, into your writing. Otherwise it will sound constrained, effected ... phony. Readers can tell if you are trying to be something other than yourself.

Did you have a purpose in mind when you decided to take up blogging? Did you want to promote a business? Reach out to others who share a common interest or circumstance? Perhaps you love cruising and wanted to share experiences and pointers with other cruisers. Perhaps you are a dog lover and want your blog to address pet care issues. Maybe you want to establish a web page to market products or promote an online business. OR perhaps, like so many other bloggers out there, you just want a platform in which you can share your thoughts, a kind of journal to share with the worldwide web community. A weblog = BLOG.

Tip: Make sure that you add to your blog on a regular basis. People will return often if they expect to find brand new content.

Whatever your reason, the possibilities are unlimited as far as what you discuss on your blog. You can even break your web page into categories: Women's issues, book or movie reviews, pet Peeves, current events. What were you doing on 9/11/01? Blog about it. What are the latest fashion trends? Blog about it. Redecorating your house? Selling it? Preparing for a garage sale? Write. Write. Write.

You would be wise to browse other blog pages and see how others are managing their blogs. Soon you will begin to recognize the blogs that stand out and have an appeal. When you do, analyze why this is so and try to emulate their methods.

Tip: Don't burn yourself out on blogging. You will become burned out if you don't give yourself time away from your computer.

Blogging can be a hobby or it can be a money-making venture. Either way, it is important to build up a trust with your readers. Give them a reason to come back and then, occasionally, if it fits the blog post or is relevant, recommend a product or sign up with Adsense and let them insert relevant ads at the side of your page. Just make sure not to appear to be focused on profiting from your readership.

Pretty soon the ideas will flow freely. Your blogs do not have to be deep and meaningful. Life is meaningful enough and diversions are a welcome relief. It will take awhile to develop a following, but, if you are consistent and regular, eventually readers will start coming and, if they like what they see, they will keep coming.

The key is to get started, write regularly and BE YOURSELF. It is a whole new world out there. The world of blogging. Go ahead and join in!

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