Knowhow-Now Article

Building Your List With Articles

You can build your list simply by writing articles, whether you have thought of it or not.

Tip: If you plan on starting a marketing campaign via email, it is vital that you get permission from every single person you plan on contacting. If you don't have permission, be prepared to not only receive spam complaints but also to lose customers.

Quite simply, you write and submit your articles on your topic of expertise or business nature to popular article directories where eZine publishers and readers are looking for the information you provide.

Tip: Each email should have one clear message. Customers will be quickly overwhelmed if you are trying to cover too much material in one email.

Leveraging your viral marketing efforts on article writing can be rewarding, if done right. In the real sense, you are actually proving your worth and demonstrating your expertise about your business through the articles you write.

Tip: Always get permission before contacting any customer via email. Unwanted emails are normally seen as spam and they will be deleted.

So, how can this method in effect build your mailing list? The answer: the resource box you attach to your articles. In your resource box (also known as bio box), you include a brief detail about yourself and your business site together with its URL.

Tip: Make your emails rich in content and place helpful information in them as opposed to just placing sales information. Send subscribers information they can't find on your site.

It is strongly suggested that your resource box URL links to your mailing list’s landing page where you can get your visitor’s name and email address, which will in turn help you build your mailing list at no cost.

Tip: Do not send more than 1 email a week to your subscriber base. Most likely, your customers receive a bunch of messages a day.

If your articles are found worth sharing, eZine publishers will republish your articles together with your resource box for their readers and subscribers. The wonderful result: viral marketing without effort on your part!

You can start by writing and submitting your articles to trusted article submitter sites such as and begin your article marketing journey today.

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