Knowhow-Now Article

Controlling Your Arthritis And Living A Happy Life

Arthritis affects many people every day. Symptoms can be severe, and you can feel like there is nothing you can do to help yourself or to feel better. You might even feel that your life is unbearable.However, there are some things you can do that can help. Here are a few ways you can adjust your life and live happily in spite of your arthritis.

1. Learn to handle stress. Stress has long been thought of a mental state, but research is showing over and over that stress in fact causes physical manifestations as well. Stress can be incredibly inflammatory, which causes your arthritis pain to be much worse. Therefore, you need to get serious about eliminating stress in your life where you can. Obviously you can't get rid of all the stress in your life, so you must also find a healthy way to cope with what you already have. Many have turned to meditation and spiritual practices to ease this stress, but you can also use deep breathing exercises to calm yourself down and let the stress pass.

Tip: Sometimes, the treatments that your doctor offers for arthritis can be assisted and enhanced with alternative treatments such as hydrotherapy, yoga, hot and cold therapy or some herbal or dietary supplements. Be sure to ask your doctor about alternative treatments that will help you make the most of your arthritis care.

2. Seek out alternative therapies and treatments for your arthritis. Chances are, when you went to the doctor, he diagnosed your arthritis and prescribed medicine for you. That is just the beginning of the story. You need to investigate your own disease. Read about how arthritis happens and what exactly arthritis means. Then, check out different things you can do yourself to treat your arthritis. Some people have found help in acupuncture, for example. Still others have started taking supplements.

3. Join a support group for people with arthritis. This can be offline or on the Internet. The truth is that people with arthritis know what you're going through. You can find out a great deal of information from a support group, because they have also been investigating treatments and solutions. You can get ideas from them, but you can also make sure you help out by sharing what you have learned. A support group is also a great place to find encouragement when you are feeling down about the illness.

Tip: Begin participating in water activities. Swimming and engaging in water exercises puts a minimal amount of stress on your joints, but it does give you resistance.

4. Take the time to eat right. Omega 3 fatty acids promote joint strength, so be sure to include those in your diet. You can get those acids from flaxseed, tuna, salmon, and other cold water fish, but you can also get supplements. Stay away from foods that are inflammatory, such as dairy foods and red meat. If you aren't sure what you should eat, definitely seek out a doctor or a nutritionist so they can steer you on the right road. Eating the right food is one of the best ways you can control your arthritis. After all, food feeds the body, and when your body is sick, sometimes eating right can help.

Regardless of the fact that you have arthritis, you should be able to be happy. When you use the tips in this article, you will find that your symptoms decrease and you can live well even though you have this illness.

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