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Criminal Attorney Must Understand Criminal Procedure Law And Substantive Law

There are several different types of laws that are applicable in the US including criminal law and also civil law. Criminal law in particular will set out what constitutes a crime and who has been made a victim and who did the deed. In fact, criminal law can also be categorized into criminal procedures that in turn are best handled by a criminal attorney and there are also laws that are substantive.
Legal System
Criminal procedure law pertains to how investigations of claims are to be performed and it also sets out the procedure in regard to handling the gathering of evidence. The main aim of this type of criminal law is to ensure that the legal system is well ordered and effective in providing justice to all. A good criminal attorney should therefore know the ins and outs of criminal procedure law and provide assurance to his client that throughout the investigation he or she will be treated (by the courts) as innocent until proven guilty.
However, there is also substantive criminal law that the criminal attorney should be aware of. This kind of law handles the giving of punishment for various kinds of crimes. A good criminal attorney must therefore know the substantive parts of criminal law and ensures that the applicable laws are used to protect his client. Whenever a client is charged with a crime they must then turn to a criminal attorney to help them get off the hook.
A criminal attorney will need to meet with their clients and be apprised of the details of the crime and to also ensure that whatever knowledge the client passes over to the criminal attorney is kept confidential and not revealed, even when the client admits to their guilt. In fact, a criminal attorney must work on the premise that everything related to the crime is relative and that the law has many gray areas that can and must be used to the advantage of the client.
It must therefore be the earnest endeavor of every criminal attorney to always show their clients in best light as this will help them win their legal battles. Even when punishment is meted out to the client, a good criminal attorney will ensure that such punishment is the least possible.
A criminal defense attorney must use relativity to ensure that their client gets punishment in proportion to the crime with which they are charged. He must also stand by their client till the trial is concluded and also ensure that the outcome is as favorable as possible for the client.

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