Knowhow-Now Article

Crossfit – The Sport Of Fitness

Since humble beginnings in the California desert just a few short years ago the Crossfit phenomenon has taken the world by storm. Crossfit is a fitness program, Crossfit is a sport, Crossfit is a complete way of life.

Crossfit - the sport of fitness has some pretty unique ideas which have made it incredibly popular with people from all walks of life. Unlike many other sports and fitness programs Crossfit can be adapted (or "scaled") to suit everyone - it doesn't matter how fit (or unfit) they are - they will be welcome at a Crossfit box (which is what they call the gym).

So what are the benefits of Crossfit - the sport of fitness?

Tip: Many people look to lifting weights as a means to reach their fitness goals. If you want to improve your fitness, you only really need six simple exercises to work out all of your muscles.

If fitness is your goal (of course it is) then you'll love the results. Crossfit is an intense workout program which consists of a different workout of the day every day. As members go to their Crossfit class they check-out the whiteboard and see what the WOD will entail for that day. Most workouts are very short, intense affairs and are often over and done with in a matter of minutes. The intensity of the workout more than makes up for the relatively short time period which means that Crossfitters get to see the results of their labor fast.

Crossfit really is a "one size fits all" type of exercise program. All of the Crossfit exercises can be scaled to suit the individual fitness and ability of each person. Superfit athletes can work alongside new Moms, people recovering from surgery or even those who have been classified as obese doing the same types of exercises with a few subtle differences.

Anyone can learn the techniques of Crossfit and then gradually record their progress so eventually they will be able to lift more, jump higher, run faster and do more burpees than they could when they started.

The pinnacle of Crossfit success is the winner of the Crossfit Games where the winners are crowned the fittest men/women in the world.

Crossfit really isn't about training to run faster, training to run further or training to lift heavier weights, it is a test of overall physical fitness. None of the competitors at the Crossfit games know what exercises will be included in each Workout of the Day - this kind of fitness means that you really do have to be ready for anything.

There are some Crossfit WOD's which are universally classed as "benchmarks" and are frequently used so that each individual can monitor their own progress. Everyone who starts out in Crossfit is encouraged to keep a record of their individual results so that they can push themselves to beat their own scores in the coming weeks, months and years.

Crossfit has a great community spirit, whilst some serious Crossfitters do train to compete in the Crossfit games the majority of people are competing only against themselves. It's all about becoming fitter than you ever thought possible. Nothing can encourage you to push yourself that little bit harder than knowing that your overall performance is improving week in, week out.

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