Knowhow-Now Article

Singles and Holiday Desperation

The holidays bring out a lot of different feelings in people that are single. They can feel depressed, lonely, sad and various other emotions, but the worst thing they can feel is desperate. This is when some single people can do some of the most outlandish and crazy things just so they won’t be alone for the holidays, and it’s all done out of desperation.

If you’re single and you see the holiday season looming ahead, please stop and think before you make some very foolish decisions. Read on to see what some of these bad ideas are:

Hitting on your best friend’s brother or sister: It should be obvious as to why this is a terrible idea, especially if you’ve never had the slightest interest in this person in the past. You most likely still aren’t interested, and when you dump the brother or sister before Valentine’s Day, you’ll most likely also lose your best friend.

Engaging in one night stands: This is such an awful  idea that it’s amazing anyone would depend on it. Yet, people do it every year. Another time this one comes into play is just before Valentine’s Day. Just remember that someone you meet somewhere that you talk to for a few hours before hopping into bed with is most likely not going to be the love of your life. Not only that, you may not even be able to stand them by Christmas.

Being set up by your friends: Lots of people that are part of a couple will want to do everything possible to get their single best friends hooked up with someone. Most of the time, you decide that you don’t WANT to be set up by your friends. However, when the holidays are close at hand, you may become desperate enough to actually let your friends set you up with that accountant guy they know, or the computer geek they just KNOW would be perfect for you.

Hooking up with a stranger online: You may not have been someone in the past that would resort to hunting online for a partner, but the holidays can make people do strange things. If you’re even tempted to do this, please consider that it’s always safety first when you’re meeting someone from online. Stick to the same rules that you would have in place if the holidays WERE NOT coming up. The last thing you want to do is hook up with a dangerous person without knowing it. There’s no point in having a new partner if it means you won’t be around for the holidays.

There may be other crazy methods you can come up with for meeting someone in time for the holidays, but if they’re as bad or worse than the ones on this list, please re-think things. Being single for the holidays is not the worst thing that can happen to you. If you’ve got close friends and family to spend time with, that can be almost as good as being part of a couple.

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