Knowhow-Now Article

Don't Let Arthritis Slow You Down In The Kitchen

If you suffer from arthritis you know that it can be a difficult condition to live with in daily life and if you enjoy cooking and spending time in the kitchen it might have made that miserable as well. This article contains a number of tips you can use to help you make cooking an enjoyable and pain free experience once again. You will be whipping up your family's favorite meals in no time.

Some packaging is hard to open for everyone and for someone with arthritis it might be downright impossible. When you buy something in a jar or package that will be hard to open, take it out and store it in an airtight container that is easily opened for everyone.

Tip: Watch for symptoms of depression when you are dealing with psoriatic arthritis. The fatigue you experience with psoriatic arthritis can mask the symptoms of depression.

When you are choosing knives to use in your kitchen buy ones that have big handles that are easy to grip. This will make cutting and slicing your favorite foods easier and you will be able to do so with virtually no pain at all.

Try hanging your pots and pans from the wall or ceiling from hooks. There are some creative ways to do this. If you put them in the cabinet they will just be hard to get to and you will be bending and stretching and this might trigger an arthritis flare up.

Tip: You should get a massage every once in a while if you have arthritis. The massages will help soothe sore muscles and relieve pain.

If you are going to be cutting a lot of veggies or doing any other kind of job in the kitchen that will require you to stand in one spot for a long time try making a space at the table so you can do this work. If you spend the extra time to set up a work area for your cooking you will save yourself from aches and pains later on.

If you will be standing in the kitchen cooking in one spot, invest in some rubber mats to lay around the kitchen so that you can stand on them. There are rubber mats available made especially for people who spend a lot of time on their feet to provide comfort and lessen the occurance of pain in the feet, back, etc.

Tip: Buy an E-Reader to help ease arthritis pain. Some of life's simplest activities can become a painful chore if you suffer from arthritis.

There are plenty of kitchen tools on the market that are designed to make life easier. There are even whole lines of kitchen tools out there made for people with disabilities and also arthritis. An investment in these tools will have you enjoying your time in the kitchen once again and save you from dealing with any pain you might have had using your old clunky tools.

You might have a hard time gripping knobs to cabinets or drawers if you suffer from arthritis. Instead of struggling, visit your local hardware store and buy some handles to replace them with. They are way easier to grab and use and will cut your time in the kitchen down.

You do not have to stop cooking just because you have been diagnosed with arthritis. This article outlines some tips and hints you can use to diminish the pain you had been feeling and your struggle in the kitchen.

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