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Dysphonial In Children Find A Well Trained Speech Pathologist

A well trained speech pathologist would be the type of professional that would work with people with speech impediments specifically dysphonial in children. Children born with cleft palates, or who have other impediments like word choice difficulties, or dyslexia, or stuttering or stammering are common problems they see a speech pathologist for.

Speech impediments like spasmodic dysphonial in children greatly inhibit a child's developing communication skills and makes it so much harder for them to be a part of society. We all know that children can be very cruel to one another and if your child has this or any other speech impediment they will likely get teased mercilessly at school.

This is where working with a speech pathologist can be of some help to your child. A speech impediment is any thing that inhibits communication in any language. The speech pathologist can and will work with your child to either overcome the impediment or work with it and learn to use the impediment to their advantage.

Speech impediments can come in the form of your child having the inability to pronounce certain words or sounds. Certain letters may trigger the impediment more than others. A speech pathologist will work with your child to diminish the effect the impediment has on their speech.

Many people who have speech impediments are encouraged to pursue careers in the broadcasting business. Most likely radio hosting. Sometimes if you listen closely you can tell that these DJ's have a speech impediment that they have tried to overcome or at least control and deal with. Some just have a lisp or have trouble saying a certain word here to there.

I know a two-year old young man who was born with a cleft palate and had to have a tracheostomy for the first 15 months of his life. The tracheostomy tube was removed from his neck last summer and he has been receiving speech therapy throughout his life he still can only say a few words. He has been tested and there really is no reason he cannot speak, it just is he may be afraid or even lazy because he can use sign language and the people around him also use sign language.

Spasmodic dysphonia is a condition that affects many people, children included that cause a person's vocal cords to spasm which severely interrupts the normal flow of words heard during speech. Adductor SD makes the person sound like they are being strangled because the spasm makes the vocal cords rigid. Abductor SD makes the person sound breathy because the spasm leaves the vocal cords open and air escapes during speech.

Anyone who has survived a closed head injury may have to relearn various actions that before the head injury were so commomplace that they were probably taken for granted, including the ability to speak without impediment. Relearning to tie your shoes is a whole lot easier than relearning how to speak and show no impairment. Dysphonail in children is more common with girls than it is with boys but not by much.

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