Knowhow-Now Article

Easy To Do Resistance Training Exercises

At the end of a long day,many people would often head home to relax and eat dinner rather than do some physical exercise. While others prefer being a couch potato to relax, the health conscious part of the population would often find ways to do engage in some exercise. Unfortunately, not all people have free time to hit the gym especially when it's already late. Many people would look for a work-out like such as resistance training exercises that use minimal equipment. Resistance training exercises would often utilize any of the following: light dumb bells, resistance bands, medicine ball, swiss ball or even kettle bells. Resistance training exercises suit individuals who have a small space where they can exercise at their own free time. Check out these resistance training exercises you can do on your own:

Tip: A great fitness tip if you are looking to gain strength rather than size, is to lift heavier weights with shorter reps. Another important aspect of this is that you never want to lift all the way to failure.

1. Chest Exercises Chest exercises can easily be done using a flat bench or even a swiss ball. Swiss ball can be more challenging but they train your body to handle instability. If you are using a flat bench for this exercise,lie down, lift and lower dumb bells from your chest. Each hand must hold a dumbbell while you are lying on your back. You need to bend your elbows to do this and push the weights up by straightening your arms. Resistance training exercises like this target your chest as well as your triceps.

Tip: If you alter the way you normally hold the weight bar while bench pressing, lower the amount you are pressing by ten percent. Just a simple grip change means you will be stressing different muscles and joints than you are typically used to, which could lead to injuries.

2. Back Exercises There are many types of resistance training exercises for the back using swiss ball and some light dumb bells. Some of these are bent over rows as well as pull downs that target the back. These resistance training exercises are mainly focused on developing upper and middle back muscles specifically latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. The bent over row can be done using swiss ball as your bench. Controlling your balance is necessary when lifting weights on a swiss ball. Contract shoulder blades inward and maintain a straight back.

3. Biceps Curls

If you want to do this on a swiss ball, sit down while keeping your feet planted on the floor. Place the dumb bells in front of your thighs, and slowly bend your elbows to lift towards your chest. Squeeze your biceps forcefully at the top of the movement, lower the bar back down and repeat. Try various weights if necessary.

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