Knowhow-Now Article

Effective Upper Body Resistance Training Workouts

Resistance training programs appeal to people whose fitness goals include developing strength and becoming healthy. In fact, elastic bands or tubings are excellent for resistance training workouts because they are very easy to use, hence, they sell like hotcakes. People's lives have become more complicated due to stressful working conditions so they often find themselves unable to go to the gym. Hence, they look for simple resistance training workouts they can do at the comfort of their home. Actually, only several lightweight equipments such as dumb bells or elastic bands are needed to perform this exercise. Having an exercise mat is preferable since this allows you to lie comfortably on the floor. If you can set aside half an hour every day , try these sample resistance training workouts:

Tip: You can give your triceps a much better workout by pushing off from your toes. By pushing off from your toes during exercises such as leg presses, you are causing that set of muscles to work much harder than they generally would if you were just pushing off with your foot.

*Caution: Before trying any of these resistance training workouts, make sure you have consulted a health professional especially if you have an existing medical condition.Additionally, warming up before exercising is necessart to avoid any injury.

Tip: Working out twice a week for twenty minutes is the minimum, entry-level exercise plan for basic health and fitness. This low goal is a good starting point for inexperienced exercisers or those just coming out of a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Knee Push-ups
Target muscles:pectoralis major, front and lateral deltoids, triceps
How to do : Place your palms and knees on the floor. The arms must be fully extended with the palms quite outside the arms. Slowly, bend your elbows to ninety degrees and make sure it is straight but never hyperextend the elbow. Continue for two minutes.

Lateral Raises

Tip: Spread your exercises over several small sessions during the day. With your busy schedule, you may have difficulty setting aside an hour to exercise.

Target muscles: Front and Lateral Deltoids
Procedure: Stand straight feet on the ground. Insert the tubing under the middle of each foot; however, you can also adjust the level of difficulty using only one foot. Grip the handles near you with elbows at a ninety degree angle. Lift your arms to the side up to below shoulder height and repeat again. Try to bend your knees a bit while doing this.

Tip: The last 5 minutes of your workout are the most important, as you should use this time to end strong. If you feel like you are letting up, push harder so that you can finish with a bang.

Target muscles: gluteus maximus, low back,spinal erectors
How to do: Lie down on the mat with face down. Lift your arms and stretch your legs straight. Raise both arms and legs off the mat. Maintain raised position for a few seconds, then drop.

These are just some sample resistance training workouts that can help you tone your muscles and build strength as long as you perform regularly.

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