Knowhow-Now Article

Renewable energy such as solar and wind generated sources are cheap and renewable environmentally friendly ways of producing energy your business can save money with. Due to recent gas and electricity price rises, renewable energy is getting huge amounts of press currently, but is now the time to really invest in environmentally friendly power for your business?

Firstly, looking at the price of energy and the premise that it's set to rise further in the near future, it's obvious that if you can find cheaper and cleaner supplies of energy then it's a good idea. Gas and electricity rates have risen in recent months, with British Gas increasing rates by up to 18 per cent for gas.

If you own a business this means a huge rise in costs, nearly £200 for every £1000 you currently spend on already expensive gas. It also looks unlikely that there will ever be a nuclear power source to the same degree as in the past after the tragedy in Japan in March.

Altogether this means that renewable energy sources are looking very strong options for the future. Wind turbine and solar panel companies are becoming increasingly strong as the fossil and nuclear power industries stumble from crisis and irritate people with price rises and faltering service.

Solar Energy

Solar energy in the UK offers huge benefits currently, with the government offering financial benefits for companies who have PV solar panels. The feed in tariff to the central electricity system means that businesses can make large amounts of money back on their panels. Not only this but if you can produce enough power you have a free source of power during a time when energy costs are sky rocketing.

There is no better time than now to fit panels, with expectations that there will be reduced returns for feeding in to the central system on 50kWp systems in the coming months. These proposals have not been finalised, but getting in now means you will get the top rate on for the electricity generated when they do. Strike the iron when it’s hot and reap the rewards.

Also, your business will be doing a lot for the environment and you can sleep tight in your bed with the knowledge you’re not the cause of the fossil fuel crisis of the future.

Wind Energy

Wind energy also provides users free electricity, for the price of an initial cost you can receive a large amount of energy for your business and bypass the high costing price of electricity and gas suppliers.

This rising cost of old power sources and the free choice available from solar and other renewable energy sources really means that solar panels are a no brainer. Not only this but the feed in tariff pays back a tax free allowance to those willing to use this means of producing power.

So as you can see with the current rises in price of power, the possible changes in the feed in tariff rate and the low cost of renewable energy, now is a great time for your business to move to renewable energy sources. As any sensible businessman or woman will tell you, if you get the chance to cut down on your overheads by reducing your business energy costs then it's certainly worth taking a look at. One small piece of advice though, inital set up fees can be steep so make sure that you fully research any new techniques and conduct an extensive energy audit before you go ahead and start investing.

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