Knowhow-Now Article

Eradicating Myths About Chinese Medicine One Acupuncture Needle At A Time

Chinese medicine is the stuff of myth and legend and to the Westerner it is a discipline filled with intriguing scents, odd practices, and at times even nonsensical applications. Part of the problem of course is a natural born skepticism that opposes anything and everything that is different – this is the same kind of skepticism that causes followers of traditional Chinese medicine to refuse medical treatment of any kind even if it means their certain deaths. Another part of the problem is the fact that Westerners have not had the kind of exposure to Chinese medicine which would help them to truly appreciate the depth and intricacy of the practice. Unfortunately, thus far the lion’s share of this exposure is usually directly linked to martial arts movies with more liberties taken than reality portrayed.

To many the process of education is much like eradicating myths about Chinese medicine one acupuncture needle at a time. Interestingly, acupuncture truly is the starting point where many a Westerner is taking seriously the practice of Chinese medicine not only because it has become a mainstream application, but also because it has yielded documented results that even the Western medical establishment has to concede – albeit grudgingly at times.

If you are ready to find out a bit more about acupuncture, here are some simple facts that showcase this amazing practice:
? Acupuncture uses needles. This is true. Needles do hurt, and yes, you may feel some discomfort. It is not the kind of pain you will experience when stabbing your finger with a sewing needle; acupuncture needles are very thin!
? The rationale behind this practice rests in the belief that the life force may need to be rerouted to break down barriers that are hindering its free flow. Western physicians have found that the points usually manipulated with the needles are major nerve centers the stimulation of which may be crucial for the release or stemming of certain hormones and other bodily chemicals.
? Treatment for certain aches or conditions does not necessarily have to take place at the location of the problem. In other words, a reproductive problem may be sought to be treated with a manipulation of the pressure points located in the hand or back.

Keep in mind that acupuncture is not a cure all! A mistake commonly made by new converts introduced to Chinese medicine is the all or nothing approach that will have them stop their insulin treatments, cancel their bypass surgery, and stop cancer treatments. Inevitably, this may lead to a recurrence of the disease and in some cases even to death! Until you fully understand the extent of the healing you are receiving and it is well documented by your primary physician as well, continue your other life saving treatments as well! In addition to the foregoing, look for an acupuncturist who has undergone specific training in his or her field; do not settle for someone who has learned from an online correspondence course, since the latter is little more than a hobbyist approach to a real life mode of patient treatment and interaction.

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