Knowhow-Now Article

Why A Feng Shui House Brings Luck

After a long day’s work, a person would trade anything to get back to his home at the comfort of his bed. Indeed, a home is a haven, a welcoming sight for tired minds, eyes, sore limbs and bruised spirit. Literally, a feng shui house is there to ensure that comfort will always be there. This can be done with its approach marked by plants, a water fountain, uncluttered yard, a curving pathway to its door and trees at the back of the property. This has something to do with bringing in positive chi or energy to your exterior and interior living spaces.

Ideally, a feng shui house should be located in a quiet neighborhood, in a gentle slope if you are so lucky; if not across a wide highway or playground. The plot of land should be higher than the road to allow the chi to flow. However, if the house is open to very strong winds, it can disperse the chi rather than slow it down to accumulate. Further, being on a slope offers danger to the dwellers because of its susceptibility to landslides.

A feng shui house interior design should ensure the free and easy passage of occupants as well as allow the gentle flow of positive chi. A harmonious atmosphere can be created with wide windows to bring in natural light and ventilation;and the use of colors appropriate to what a person wishes to evoke. Most feng shui house is free of chaos and relaxing and with enough good spaces. Dining areas ought to be in a corner of a space accessible to and from the kitchen while the living space must be in the center for gathering. The placement of the stove should definitely be not be facing a doorway. The elements of water and fire suggest that sink and stove are not placed alongside each other. A bedroom and a bathroom should be set in the back for privacy and security.

Keeping harmony as well as balance in mind and depicting such in one’s surroundings would surely revitalize one’s spirit and energize one’s well-being.

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