Knowhow-Now Article

Fighting Acne With Chinese Medicine

Perhaps not surprising, adolescents and even those who suffer from adult acne will look high and low for ways to rid their complexions of the unsightly blemishes. While mild cases may be covered up with make up, the more severe ones actually do require intervention. Several pills and tinctures are now available that have produced passable and even amazing results, but unfortunately there is also a high price to pay: in some cases the use of these medications will lead to birth defects in the unborn while in other cases severe allergic reactions make the person’s visage look and feel worse than before! What is more, once the medications are stopped, the acne will most likely return within a short period of time.

While there may be not hard and fast rule of how to make acne go away and stay away without jeopardizing a baby’s health or run the risk of irritating your skin to the point of outbreak, alternative ways of healing are now looked at with the hopes of discovering the silver bullet.

Fighting acne with Chinese medicine by many is considered this approach and even though there is no guarantee that the mix of lore, herbs, and lifestyle change will help, those who have tried it, swear by its effectiveness!
? Acne, in Chinese medicine, is believed to be an expression of a disharmony within with qi, the life force that moves freely throughout the body. This lack of harmony is thought to have been created by heat and also humidity.
? Heat may be seen either spiritually as someone who is subject to anger and fits of rage, or physically as a way of pinpointing someone who is constantly pushing the body to the point that it overheats and sweats.
? The latter leads to the issue of humidity, where the body is storing or subject to too much liquid. This may also refer to an insufficient water intake that keeps toxins within the tissues rather than flushing them out. At the same time, working in an environment where the person is exposed to humidity or engaging in a lifestyle where humidity is embraced, such as visiting saunas, all fall under this umbrella.
? Fighting acne with Chinese medicine will require the heat to be cooled with special nutritional combinations that are to be eaten or avoided. Herbal supplements may assist with extracting toxins from the body and also permitting retained water to be released, thus curing the body of the humidity that is causing the skin eruptions.

While there is precious little scientific evidence that this approach will work, there are plenty who have tried it and attest to its efficacy. It is wise to discuss this form of treatment first with your physician to ensure your body is up to it and that herbs and supplements will not interfere with any medications you take. Consult an experienced practitioner of Chinese medicine next to find out which herbs to use and how often, and then give it a try! Who knows, you may find that your lifestyle changes will result not only in clearer skin but a healthier mind and body!

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