Knowhow-Now Article

Flat Stomach Myths Exposed

There might not be more wrong information on any topic today than on getting rid of stomach fat. It’s really not as hard as most people think. Here are five common myths about this topic you need to be wary of:

MYTH #1) Diet doesn’t matter

Tip: Create the illusion that your body is larger than it really is. When you spend the most effort building your chest, back and shoulders you can add mass and look larger in a faster time.

Not true. What you eat makes an enormous difference. Many people get enamoured with stories of athletes who eat garbage all day long and still have super ripped bodies. What they don’t realize is that athletes are far more active than the average person, and therefore can work off the food they eat.

And even if you are able to work it off, why burden yourself? When you just eat the right foods in the first place, it’s much easier to reach your goals.

What’s the best diet?

One that incorporates a lot of whole foods and focuses on eliminating processed foods as much as possible.

MYTH #2) Doing more repetitions is better

A lot of people pride themselves on performing as many crunches or sit-ups as possible. They somehow view it as a badge of honour, thinking the more they do the flatter their stomach will be.

Tip: Use smarts as you are doing squats. Keep the bar low on the back at a point near the traps center.

What they don’t realize is that doing ten to fifteen crunches the right way is much better than performing tons of them the wrong way. Quality beats quantity when it comes to exercise.

What’s the right way?

Gradually - when you attempt to do too many you will end up going faster and using bad form, which will negate the benefits.

MYTH #3) Starving yourself is how to get a flat stomach

Tip: Eating protein rich foods both before and after exercising has got to be one of the most important things as you're trying to build up your muscle mass. Look for power bars or other snacks that contain at least 15 grams of protein to consume before and after your workout.

You need calories to survive. While it is true that lowering your intake makes it easier to burn fat, it should not be done by drastically cutting your food intake. This will just cause you to feel lethargic and cranky all the time. It will even slow down your metabolism.

This in turn will make your workouts much less effective, and ultimately you won’t reach your goals. Instead just eat more filling low calorie foods. Examples would be rice and beans, although there are plenty others.

MYTH #4) Cardio is the best way to burn fat

It might actually be among the least effective methods. Low intensity jogging is vastly overrated in terms of how much fat it can burn. It doesn’t burn nearly as much as body core or Pilates exercises. Strength training is also one of the best ways to burn fat.

MYTH #5) You need expensive exercise equipment

All the best workouts can be done with very little equipment at all, except maybe an exercise ball. Using an exercise ball makes abs exercises more effective because you fully engage the core muscles. Other than that, good old walking and a few toning exercises doesn’t require expensive equipment.

MYTH #6) You can get a flat stomach without exercising

False again. The supplement companies want you to think they have the answer to your problems. But in reality there’s no supplement that will help you lose much fat if you don’t have a sound diet and workout program along with it.


Losing fat is simple: eat whole natural foods and get enough exercise. It doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming either. Consistency is the key to long-term weight loss and flat abs.

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